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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (also known as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare) is a modern-military first-person shooter developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC on November 5, 2007. A handheld companion game for the Nintendo DS was released at the same time.

The fourth main installment of the Call of Duty series, Modern Warfare drops the series’s original World War II setting for a fictional war story set in modern times. Along with the series’s traditional multi-protagonist campaign, the game features revamped multiplayer with a fully-customizable loadout system, killstreak reward system (giving players valuable assets for killing enemies without dying), and level progression system (which allows players to unlock numerous weapons and special perks by playing matches).

The main story is set in a near-future 2011, where two events are taking place: a civil war in Russia (between its government loyalists and ultranationalists wanting the return of Soviet Russia) and an attempted coup d’état of a fictional country in the Middle East (led by separatist commander Khaled Al-Asad). Players assume the role of two soldiers: Sgt. John “Soap” MacTavish (a recruit of the British Army Special Air Service investigating the whereabouts of a nuclear device) and Sgt. Paul Jackson (a member of the USMC Force Reconnaissance deployed to the Middle East to capture Al-Asad).

The game later received ports for both the Mac (by Aspyr on September 26, 2008) and the Wii (by Treyarch on November 10, 2009 as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – Reflex Edition). The Wii version uses a re-worked game engine to suit the Wii’s limited capabilities (dropping features such as real-time lighting).

The game later received an enhanced port (called Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered) in 2016 by Raven for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Bundled with special editions of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, this port features remastered audio and graphics while adding new multiplayer content (including game modes and character customization options, the latter of which supports microtransactions). It was later released standalone on July 27, 2017.


The player assumes the role of two characters in the fictional war that takes place in the game: Sgt. John “Soap” MacTavish, a member of the British S.A.S. and Sgt. Paul Jackson, a member of the United States Marine Corps. Though missions for both characters take place in different locations, they are both fighting toward the same goal; to stop the terrorist forces of Khaled Al-Asad and Imran Zakhaev from using a nuclear weapon they have obtained.

The art of infiltration
The art of infiltration

The game starts off with the player taking control of Soap, the newest member of Captain Price’s S.A.S. team. This tutorial mission allows players to grasp the basics of the game. This ‘mission’ also suggests a difficulty level to suit the player’s ability based on how well they perform. It should be noted players don’t have to use the option recommended if they wish to use an easier or more difficult setting. After Soap finishes the group’s obstacle course, he and other S.A.S. members are briefed for their upcoming mission to board a Russian merchant ship located in the Bering Sea to determine if any cargo contains a nuclear device. Upon entering the vessel and killing the well armed crew they confirm that there is a nuclear device on board, obtaining the manifest to further their investigation. But almost immediately upon verifying the deadly cargo, the ship is attacked by MiG fighter jets, forcing the team to escape the sinking ship.

Having looked over the cargo manifest, it is revealed that a Middle Eastern rebel faction and a Russian Ultranationalist faction are working together. Ultranationalist leader Imran Zakhaev wishes to return Russia back into the Soviet Union and rebels against the current government. To avoid any attention, Zakhaev funds a militia in an unnamed Middle Eastern country led by terrorist Khaled Al-Asad. Their president, Al-Fulani, is sent to be executed personally by Al-Asad on live television in a sequence where the player controls Al-Fulani.

Soon after the live execution, the S.A.S, aided by Sgt. Kamarov and the Russian military, are sent to search for an informant codenamed Nikolai, whose cover has been blown in the Ultranationalist movement. The joint operation is a success, and Nikolai is evacuated on a friendly helicopter. The helicopter is shot down during their travels, though Kamarov, Price, Soap, and Nikolai all survive. A friendly AC-130 is called in to provide gunship support, as the Ultranationalist forces rally to find the survivors from the crash.

While Captain Price, Gaz, and Soap were rescuing Nikolai, the United States initiate a full on assault on the Middle Eastern country to stop Al-Asad. Sgt. Jackson, Staff Sgt Griggs, Lt. Vasquez, and the United States Marine Corps search for Al-Asad, who was thought to have been located in a television station broadcasting anti-western propaganda. It is shown that the station is playing a recording of his speech, as opposed to an actual live speech.

The Marines then help to push Al-Asad’s forces out of the capital city. The player fights during the final assault on the remnants of Al-Asad’s forces. Central Command comes through and indicates the Navy SEALs have discovered a nuclear weapon in the city, and that the US forces are to fall back and escape the city. During the evacuation, the player’s team attempt to evacuate a crashed AH-1 Cobra helicopter pilot. The evacuation of the injured pilot seems successful, but as the team’s helicopter flies away, the nuke detonates. The helicopter spins out of control and crashes to the ground; Vasquez and the rest of the team killed. Jackson survives the initial blast and, severely injured, attempts to crawl away. In his final moments, he witnesses the entire capital’s destruction.

Mushroom cloud from the nuclear blast.
Mushroom cloud from the nuclear blast.

Captain Price, Gaz, and Soap received intel from Nikolai that Al-Asad is hiding out in Azerbaijian, where they finally capture him. During interrogation, Al-Asad’s phone rings. Price answers, discovering that it was Zakhaev who supplied the bomb. Price executes Al-Asad and reflects upon a failed assassination he engaged in during 1996, when Price was only a Leftenant. Alongside his superior officer, Captain MacMillan, the two men infiltrate the Ukrainian city of Pripyat after its abandonment due to the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.

Their mission was to eliminate Imran Zakhaev during an arms deal. They make it to a vantage point in a ruined hotel, from which they can see the entire deal. MacMillan identifies Zakhaev, but due to the wind speed the Coriolis effect comes into play (this is the only time in the entire series where wind impacts on bullet travel). Price fires a .50 anti-tank round at Zakhaev, and successfully hits his target. While the shot strikes only his arm, the two men believe that the blood loss will be fatal in itself. They escape the hotel, having to shoot the pilot from a helicopter gunship preparing a strafing run of the hotel.

They flee the hotel, running to an extraction point where they were to be rescued by a helicopter. A hostile chopper attacks, and both Price and MacMillan manage to take out the pilot. The helicopter crashes, hitting MacMillan and rendering him unable to walk. Price carries him through the city towards the extraction point, where they wait for the friendly helicopter to arrive and fight off enemy soldiers who come in droves.

Back in present day, members of the S.A.S., the Russian military, and the Marine Corps, form a joint operation to take down Zakhaev. Their first objective is to capture his son, Victor, in hopes to learn his whereabouts. Victor flees from the attempted ambush, and the team are forced to chase him through a city in order to extract information. Victor makes his final stand on the roof of an apartment block, and Soap is instructed to take his pistol from him. When Soap nears, Victor turns the gun on himself and commits suicide in front of the entire group.

Blaming the western world for the death of his son, Zakhaev plans an attack on the eastern coast of the United States with Russian missiles in order to exact vengeance. The combined US/UK forces arrive at the launch facility, attempting to kill Imran Zakhaev and secure the base. Before they can do so, Zakhaev manages to launch two nuclear missiles. The team are forced to sprint through the nuclear facility to reach the control room and stop the missiles in the air.

This is an explosion
This is an explosion

The joint ops forces successfully disarm the missiles before they reach their targets but are then surrounded by Ultranationalist forces. All of the surviving soldiers take off in stolen jeeps through the countryside around the nuclear base, with soldiers pursuing them in trucks. They are eventually cornered when an Ultranationalist Hind helicopter fires a missile at the bridge they are on, leaving them unable to escape.

Kamarov’s men attempt to arrive and ambush the Ultranationalist forces, though are unable to do so. The team are floored when a gas tanker is blown up. Griggs attempts to pull Soap behind cover but is shot in the throat while doing so. Zakhaev disembarks from the Hind, and shoots Gaz in the back of the head.

Kamarov’s forces arrive in time to destroy the Hind Zakhaev arrived on. Distracted by the destruction of the gunship, Zakhaev looks around alongside the two bodyguards with him. Price uses the chance to slide his pistol to Soap, who kills the three men while they are unaware. The story continues five years later in the sequel, Modern Warfare 2. There is an extra level, appropriately named “Epilogue,” in which the player (it is unknown who the player controls) and a team secure a VIP on board a plane in flight. The mission is notoriously difficult to complete on Veteran due to the tight corridors, limited health, and time limit of only sixty seconds.

Campaign Missions

  1. F.N.G.
  2. Crew Expendable
  3. Blackout
  4. Charlie Don’t Surf
  5. The Bog
  6. Hunted
  7. Death From Above
  8. War Pig
  9. Shock and Awe
  10. Safehouse
  11. All Ghillied Up
  12. One Shot, One Kill
  13. Heat
  14. The Sins of the Father
  15. Ultimatum
  16. All In
  17. No Fighting in the War Room
  18. Game Over


Like previous games in the series, Call of Duty 4 also has a multiplayer side, with different adversarial and objective-based modes that range from simple team deathmatch to games where one team must plant a bomb while the other defends the bombing positions. The players in COD4’s multiplayer are class-based, and players quickly earn the ability to customize their own class. Aside from choosing a weapons loadout, each class also has three “perks,” which are unique abilities that fall into three different lists to help keep them balanced. Perks include the ability to hold more ammunition, faster reload times, the ability to drop a live grenade whenever you die (“martyrdom”), and so on. Players earn in-game support attacks for getting kill streaks, allowing them to turn on radar to see enemy movements, or call in air strikes or chopper support to eliminate enemies.

Multiplayer gameplay
Multiplayer gameplay

Players also have levels of experience, and getting kills or completing objectives in multiplayer games gives experience points. Going up in level unlocks additional weapons and perks. The player level tops out at 55, at which point players either keep all of their unlocked gear or opt for “prestige mode,” which rolls everything to level one, but displays a new icon to other players to broadcast the choice to unlock everything all over again. There are ten total levels of prestige.

In April 2008, a downloadable pack of 4 maps was released for the PS3 and 360 for $10. The maps included are: Creek, Broadcast, Chinatown, and a bonus map named Killhouse. Killhouse is mostly comparable to Shipment; the map can only be played on the modes Team Tactical and Cage Match. As a testament to the game’s following, over one million people purchased the add-on on the Xbox 360 in the first nine days after its release. The PC version of the game received the map pack for free upon the release of the v1.6 patch in June 2008.

Another interesting element to the game is challenges. To help boost your XP and get to the highest rank, Infinity Ward has put challenges in. Each challenge will give you some experience points ranging from 50 to 1000. For most challenges you have to get a certain amount of kills or headshots with a gun. Other challenges consist of calling in 30 air strikes or survive for an entire match. When you rank up you unlock more challenges making it easier to get to the next rank. Some challenges have I II III next to them signifying what stage of the challenge you’re on. The more advanced a challenge stage is, the harder it is to complete it and/or the more time consuming it is.

Game Modes

The base game includes six game modes, five of which return from previous Call of Duty games. The sixth, Sabotage, is new to the series.

  • Team Deathmatch – Standard deathmatch. Teams earn points by killing enemy players. By default, each team gets 10 points per kill, and first team to earn 750 points wins the match.
  • Free-For-All – Team Deathmatch with a twist: teams are disabled. 125 points to win. 5 points per kill. By default, each player gets 5 points per kill, and first player to earn 125 points wins the match.
  • Domination – Objective mode where teams fight to take control of three flags scattered throughout the map. Flags are captured by having players on a team standing near it uncontested (with more players resulting in faster captures). Teams earn a point every five seconds for each flag they control. By default, the first team to earn 200 points wins the match.
  • Headquarters – Domination with a twist: teams fight to take control of a single neutral point (the “HQ”) and cannot respawn while they maintain control of it. A new HQ is spawned after the other one is “destroyed” (either after a team captures the enemy-controlled HQ or after a team controls the HQ for one minute). Teams earn five points every five seconds for controlling the HQ. By default, first team to earn 250 points wins the match.
  • Sabotage – Objective mode where teams fight to take control of a neutral Bomb, plant it at the enemy team’s base, and prevent the enemy team from defusing it. A waypoint to the Bomb (or its carrier) can be seen at all times. Longer respawn time. By default, first team to detonate wins the match.
  • Search and Destroy – Sabotage with a twist: matches are played in multiple quick rounds, with teams alternating between Offense and Defense. Offense players have access to the Bomb, and have a limited amount of time to plant at one of two enemy targets. Respawning is disabled. Defense players cannot see a waypoint to Bomb carriers. Offense players win the round by either eliminating all Defense players or successfully detonating, while Defense players win the round by either eliminating all Offense players before they plant, successfully defusing, or after the round time limit expires. By default, first team to win 4 rounds wins the match.

Added in Remastered

  • Kill Confirmed – Team Deathmatch with a twist: players drop dog tags on death, and teams earn points by having their players collect enemy dog tags. Players can also pick up friendly dog tags to prevent enemies from collecting it.
  • Hardpoint – Added on December 13, 2016.

Matchmaking Playlists

The console versions of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare features 14 different matchmaking playlists, each with various game modes, player counts, and player difficulty.


  • Team Deathmatch – 6-12 player Team Deathmatch.
  • Mercenary Team Deathmatch – 6-12 player Team Deathmatch. Players must enter with a solo lobby. Known as “Mercenary TDM” in Remastered.
  • Free-for-all – 4-8 player Free-For-All.
  • Domination – 6-12 player Domination.
  • Ground War – 8-18 player Team Deathmatch and Domination. In Team Deathmatch, the score limit is increased to 1000. In Remastered, Kill Confirmed was added to the playlist.
  • Sabotage – 6-12 player Sabotage.
  • Headquarters – 6-12 player Headquarters.
  • Search and Destroy – 6-12 players Search and Destroy.
  • Team Tactical – 4-6 player Team Deathmatch, Domination, Sabotage, Headquarters, and Search & Destroy.
  • Cage Match – 2 player Free-For-All. Scoring is changed (10 points per kill, 100 points to win the match).
  • Kill Confirmed – 6-12 player Kill Confirmed. Added in Remastered.


All playlists with the “Hardcore” title have numerous changes that increase player difficulty for more tactical matches. All players have reduced health (roughly -70% of normal) and a restricted HUD (showing only friendly players and objective waypoints). Minimap is only shown during UAV. Friendly fire is enabled, with players getting kicked from the server after multiple friendly fire incidents.

  • Hardcore Team Deathmatch – 6-12 player Team Deathmatch.
  • Hardcore Search and Destroy – 6-12 player Search and Destroy.
  • Hardcore Headquarters – 8-12 player Headquarters. Added on February 26, 2009.
  • Hardcore Mercenary TDM – 6-12 player Team Deathmatch. Players must enter with a solo lobby. Added in Remastered.
  • Hardcore Kill Confirmed – 6-12 player Kill Confirmed. Added in Remastered.

Old School

All playlists with the “Old School” title have numerous changes that decreases player difficulty for more arcade-y matches. Player classes are disabled, with players starting with a Skorpion and a M9. Weapons and perks are scattered throughout the map as pickups. Player health is doubled (although health regeneration is disabled). Jump height is doubled (with no fall damage).

  • Old School Free-for-all – 4-8 player Free-For-All.
  • Old School Team Deathmatch – 6-12 player Team Deathmatch. Added in Remastered.
  • Old School Kill Confirmed – 6-12 player Kill Confirmed. Added in Remastered.

Weapons and Equipment

Primary Weapons

Assault Rifles

  • AK-47 – Fully-automatic with high power.
  • M4 Carbine – Fully-automatic with high recoil control. Unlocked at Rank 10.
  • G3 – Semi-automatic with high capacity. Unlocked at Rank 25.
  • G36C – Fully-automatic with high rate-of-fire. Unlocked at Rank 37.
  • M14 – Semi-automatic with high power. Unlocked at Rank 46.
  • MP44 – Fully-automatic with high accuracy. Unlocked at Rank 52.
  • XM-LAR – Fully-automatic with high power. Added in Remastered on February 7, 2017. Unlockable.
  • BOS14 – Fully-automatic with high power (for the first five bullets). Added in Remastered on May 2, 2017. Unlockable.
  • Lynx CQ300 – Fully-automatic. Added in Remastered on August 8, 2017. Unlockable.

Submachine Guns

  • MP5 – Fully-automatic with high accuracy.
  • Skorpion – Fully-automatic with high rate-of-fire.
  • Mini-Uzi – Fully-automatic with high rate-of-fire. Unlocked at Rank 13.
  • AK-74u – Fully-automatic with high power. Unlocked at Rank 28.
  • P90 – Fully-automatic with high capacity. Unlocked at Rank 40.
  • Mac-10 – Fully-automatic. Added in Remastered on March 14, 2017. Unlockable.
  • Fang 45 – Fully-automatic. Added in Remastered on May 2, 2017. Unlockable.
  • PK-PSD9 – Fully-automatic. Added in Remastered on August 8, 2017. Unlockable.

Light Machine Guns

  • M249 SAW – Fully-automatic with high rate-of-fire.
  • RPD – Fully-automatic.
  • M60E4 – Fully-automatic with high power. Unlocked at Rank 19.
  • PKM – Fully-automatic with high power. Added in Remastered on March 14, 2017. Unlockable.
  • Bered MK8 – Fully-automatic. Added in Remastered on June 27, 2017. Unlockable.


  • W1200 – Pump-action with high power.
  • M1014 – Semi-automatic with high rate-of-fire. Unlocked at Rank 31.
  • Kamchatka-12 – Fully-automatic. Added in Remastered on February 7, 2017. Unlockable.
  • Rangers – Break-action with high power (as players dual-wield two at a time). Added in Remastered on June 27, 2017. Unlockable.

Sniper Rifles

  • M21 – Semi-automatic. Unlocked at Rank 7.
  • Dragunov – Semi-automatic. Unlocked at Rank 22.
  • R700 – Bolt-action. Unlocked at Rank 34.
  • D-25S – Semi-automatic. Added in Remastered on March 14, 2017. Unlockable.
  • S-Tac Aggressor – Bolt-action. Added in Remastered on June 27, 2017. Unlockable.


  • M9 – Semi-automatic with high capacity.
  • M1911 .45 – Semi-automatic. Unlocked at Rank 16.
  • Desert Eagle – Semi-automatic with high power. Unlocked at Rank 43.
  • .44 Magnum – Semi-automatic with high power. Can equip a silencer. Added in Remastered on February 7, 2017. Unlockable.
  • Prokolot – Semi-automatic that fires in three-round bursts. Added in Remastered on May 2, 2017. Unlockable.
  • BR9 – Semi-automatic with high power. Added in Remastered on August 8, 2017. Unlockable.

Primary Attachments



There are a total of 22 perks available for use once they have been unlocked in Multiplayer. The 22 perks are split into 3 different groups. You can only use 1 perk from each group and if you choose to use a Grenade Launcher or Grip attachment on your weapon you will not be able to choose a perk from section 1.

Section 1 Perks

C4 x2Gives you the use of 2 explosive packages that can be detonated remotely.
C4 x2
C4 x2
Special grenades x3Gives you 3 special grenades in your inventory instead of 1. This perk cannot be selected if you are using smoke grenades as your special grenade.
Special Grenades x3
Special Grenades x3
RPG x2Gives you an RPG-7 and two rocket propelled grenades for use alongside it.
RPG-7 x2
RPG-7 x2
Claymore x2Gives you two trip detonated mines. Typically ideal for snipers or for covering doors and ambushes.
Claymore x2
Claymore x2
Frag x3Gives you 3 grenades in your inventory instead of 1.
Frag x3
Frag x3
BandolierGives you up to 3x more ammo.
Bomb SquadAllows you to spot enemy explosive devices by placing a visible skull above them.
Bomb Squad
Bomb Squad

Section 2 Perks

Stopping PowerIncreases weapon damage to 140%.
Stopping Power
Stopping Power
JuggernautTakes 75 % of the damage that is dealt by explosives or bullets.
Sleight of HandReloads take half the normal time.
Sleight of Hand
Sleight of Hand
Double TapIncreases rate of weapon fire to 135%.
Double Tap
Double Tap
OverkillAllows you to carry two primary weapons instead of a primary and a pistol.
UAV JammerStops you from becoming visible on the enemy’s radar when they call in UAV.
UAV Jammer
UAV Jammer
Sonic BoomIncreases damage dealt by explosives to 125%. This applies to all explosives such as C4 and the grenade launcher.
Sonic Boom
Sonic Boom

Section 3 Perks

Extreme ConditioningDoubles the amount of time you can sprint for.
Extreme Conditioning
Extreme Conditioning
Steady AimMakes hip fire 35% more accurate.
Steady Aim
Steady Aim
Last StandAllows you to drop to the floor and pull out a pistol before you die. If you are using overkill and last stand it defaults to the M9 when you go into last stand.
Last Stand
Last Stand
MartyrdomAllows you to drop a grenade with a 2.5 second fuse once you die.
Deep ImpactIncreases your ability to shoot through walls and surfaces.
Deep Impact
Deep Impact
Iron LungsDoubles the amount of time you can spend holding your breath whilst using a sniper rifle.
Iron Lungs
Iron Lungs
Dead SilenceDecreases the amount of noise you make whilst moving.
Dead Silence
Dead Silence
EavesdropAllows you to overhear the enemy’s voice chat within a 30 meter radius.


There are 55 ranks in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. To progress through the ranks you must earn XP. You earn XP by getting kills, capturing objectives, completing challenges and pretty much anything you do in MP will earn you XP. You start off at rank 1 with only a few weapons available to you and you do not have some perks that you will obtain as you progress through the ranks. Every three ranks the rank changes (The ranks in between these have numbers, e.g. Private I, Private II, etc.)

  • Level 1: Private
  • Level 4: Lance Corporal
  • Level 7: Corporal
  • Level 10: Sergeant
  • Level 13: Staff Sergeant
  • Level 16: Gunnery Sergeant
  • Level 19: Master Sergeant
  • Level 22: Master Gunnery Sergeant
  • Level 25: 2nd Lieutenant
  • Level 28: 1st Lieutenant
  • Level 31: Captain
  • Level 34: Major
  • Level 37: Lieutenant Colonel
  • Level 40: Colonel
  • Level 43: Brigadier General
  • Level 46: Major General
  • Level 49: Lieutenant General
  • Level 52: General
  • Level 55: Commander

Prestige Mode

  • Prestige mode is only included in the PS3 & 360 versions of the game. It is unlocked when a player reaches a total of 125490 XP.
  • You do not lose your place on any leaderboards if you enter prestige mode, you also do not have to re-unlock playlists you have unlocked previously.
  • Prestige mode allows a player to reset their rank and lose all their perks, weapons and camouflages they have unlocked whilst reaching level 55.
  • The only thing that prestige gives you is a new symbol next to your GamerTag or PSN ID each time you enter it.
  • You can enter prestige mode a total of 10 times.
  • There have been several rumors that reaching 10th prestige level 55 allows you to use 2 gun attachments at once, these rumors are not true, the same goes for reaching 10th prestige Level 55 and completing every single challenge in the game. The only thing you get is the gold cross symbol next to your Gamertag or PSN ID.

Multiplayer Maps

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare originally shipped with 16 multiplayer maps. A few months after the games release Infinity Ward made another 4 maps available for download on the PSN and XBLM known as the Variety Map Pack. The maps included in the map pack are Broadcast, Chinatown, Creek and Killhouse.

Original Game
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A smaller urban map offering prime locations from which to throw frag grenades, due to the nature of the different sides of the road. Both sides are able to provide covering fire from opposite sides, meaning that entrapment is often avoided by using the other side of the map instead.

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A construction site in a Middle Eastern locale, including damaged buildings as well as a building under construction. This map is often seen in professional eSports leagues. Two mounted machine-guns provide fire across two different corridors of attack, making for a difficult fight should these guns be used effectively.

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An Eastern European map located in the Ukraine or a former Soviet nation, Bloc features two opposing apartment blocks. Typically snipers fire across from building to building, though this can provide opportunities to rush and flank opponents in buildings as well as also to push and control both apartment blocks.

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Bog – Difficult, dark map that has spots of foliage and uneven ground. Class choice to counter the other team is advised.

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Crash – One of the favorites, Crash is a very well designed medium sized map that caters to numerous play styles over any mode.

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While Crossfire initially appears to be a long sniper’s playground, the buildings on either side of the map allow for closing the gap with enemies very quickly, meaning many different weapons can prove effective in the area.

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Countdown – A huge open map, ideal for snipers.

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District – A long alley along the top and side of the map are largely useless, as the best action takes place amongst the market stalls in the two central areas.

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Downpour – Sloping map set on a Russian farm. Very dangerous to stay in one place for too long.

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The favorite map for sniping as it very large in size size and covered in shrubbery. Considered one of the best maps, but those favoring short-medium range classes may suffer. Close range engagements are typically brief skirmishes, centered around the buildings and prime vantage points for snipers.

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Pipeline – Plenty of sniper spots to be found surrounding these two large warehouses beside a derelict railway line.

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The smallest map in Call of Duty 4, Shipment is difficult to do well on due to the chaotic nature of gameplay. In Hardcore mode in particular, dying on this map is a highly regular activity. When an airstrike is inbound it is advised to not spawn for a few seconds, since it is possible to die from one strike more than once.

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Showdown – Ideal for campers, a small, self contained map with lots of corners to hide around.

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Strike – Big town area that has something for everyone. Tightly designed, air strikes can be devastating.

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Vacant – Big warehouse with a lot of narrow corridors that makes for some difficult tactical choices.

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Wet Work – Long ship caught in a storm. Sniper spots at either side, but it’s difficult to get a good line of sight in amongst the containers.

PC Only
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Winter Crash
A free remake of the existing map Crash, though with a winter theme and snow. Winter Crash was the only free map for Call of Duty 4, and was a PC exclusive. It was added to the game alongside other tweaks and updates made in Update 1.4.

Remaster Only

Beach Bog

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A summertime version of Bog that is modified slightly with the addition of concrete walls between the buildings and the open area.

Variety Map Pack
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Broadcast is based upon the television station shown during the mission ‘Charlie Don’t Surf’, though has been modified to work as a multiplayer map. Players outside the station are able to find a number of different entrances and many people avoid the conventional corridor entrance to add unpredictability to the map.

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Chinatown is a reskin of Carentan from Call of Duty 2, featuring a chaotic map design with many vantage points for snipers, as well as routes for rushers and flankers to take out the snipers. Grenades can be incredibly effective in Chinatown since many people stay close to windows, which make prime targets for explosives.

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Creek is a dried up riverbed, with housing on one side and a farm on the other. Set in Eastern Europe, Creek is an ideal map for snipers due to the amount of shrubbery around the area, acting as natural camo alongside the ghillie suits.

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Killhouse is the smallest map in the Variety pack, coming second to Shipment in overall size (or lack of it). Killhouse seems to be set within a training ground in the UK, which makes it the only map in the entirety of the game to be set outside of Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

System Requirements

As written on the back cover of the box (please note only the minimum requirements are given)

Minimum System Requirements: Software Requirements:

  • Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP / Vista (Windows 95/98/ME/2000 are unsupported).
  • Microsoft DirectX 9.0c (included).
  • 3D Hardware accelerator card required – 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 128MB hardware accelerator video card and the latest drivers.
  • 100% Windows XP/Vista compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers.
  • 6x DVD-ROM Drive.

Hardware Requirements:

  • CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.4Ghz / AMD 64 2800 / Intel and AMD 1.8Ghz dual core processor or better supported.
  • RAM: 512MB (Windows XP), 768MB (Vista).
  • GPU (Video card): Nvidia GeForce 6600 or better or ATI Radeon 9800 Pro or better.
  • Sound Card: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card.
  • HDD: 8GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 600MB for Windows XP/Vista swap file).

Multiplayer Requirements:

  • Internet (TCP/IP) and LAN (TCP/IP) play supported.
  • Internet play requires broadband connection and latest drivers.
  • LAN play requires network interface card and latest drivers.

Mac system requirements:

  • CPU: Intel dual core processor
  • Ram: 1GB (2 is recommended)
  • GPU: Nvidia GeForce (comes in most desktop macs and the mac book pro / only the 2009 mac books and up have an Nvidia graphics card
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c
  • HDD: 7GB of free space on hard drive

Latest patch

The latest patch for the PC version is patch 1.7 that was released on June 30th 2008. The patch is 37.24MB in size but please note that one must already have patch 1.6 installed prior to installing patch 1.7 since patch 1.6 is the map pack and is 162MB in size. All patches are available through the Infinity Ward website.

Xbox 360 Installation

Installing the Xbox 360 version of the game to the hard drive requires 6.5GB of free space.

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