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Call of Duty: Black Ops


Call of Duty: Black Ops


Welcome to the jungle.
Welcome to the jungle.

Call of Duty: Black Ops is a first-person shooter developed by Treyarch and published by Activision (Square Enix in Japan) for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, Nintendo DS (ported by n-Space) and PC on November 9, 2010. It was later released for the Mac on September 27, 2012.

The seventh official installment of the Call of Duty series (and the sequel to 2008’s Call of Duty: World at War), the game shifts from World War II to the 1960’s era of the Cold War.

In the main single-player campaign, players take the role of Alex Mason, an operative of an elite United States black operations unit (known as the Studies and Observations Group, or SOG), who must recall several events over a six-year period after hallucinating random sequences of numbers around him. As Alex figures out the events leading to his interrogation (including operations with fellow operatives Frank Woods and Joseph Bowman, while sometimes accompanied by his fellow gulag inmate, and former Red Army solider, Viktor Reznov), he uncovers a vast Soviet conspiracy (led by General Nikita Dragovich) involving a deadly nerve agent (“Nova-6”).

The multiplayer from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 returns, adding a new currency system (“CODPoints”, earned through regular gameplay) that is used to purchase weapons, accessories, and customizations. In addition, the game also introduces fully-customizable emblems, custom character appearances (based on unlockable face paint and the “Perk 1” perk chosen), the “Contract” system (which allows players to earn bonus CODPoints and experience by achieving certain goals in a specific amount of time), the ability to customize game modes for lobbies (along with a File Share system similar to Halo: Reach to store those modes), automatic replay saving (which can be watched, alone or with others, in the new Theater Mode, or uploaded to Youtube), split-screen support in online multiplayer, and two new types of online playlists: Wager Matches (which allow players to gamble CODPoints in one of four special six-player free-for-all game modes) and Combat Training (which allow players to practice against AI opponents).

The popular Zombies Mode from Call of Duty: World at War also makes a return with two distinct scenarios (one of which must be unlocked by completing the game). Four scenarios were later added as DLC, while the original six maps from World at War were included as a bonus for the “Hardened” and “Prestige” editions of the game (later included in the Rezurrection DLC).

As a bonus easter egg, accessing a secret terminal from the main menu allows players to play either a special deliberately-retro twin-stick shooter known as “Dead Ops Arcade”, a parody of the ELIZA psychotherapist computer program, or Zork I: The Great Underground Empire.


The plot is based during the Cold War and spans many locations and conflicts through different periods of time. You play most of the game as Alex Mason, an American black ops specialist. The majority of missions take place as memories while Mason hallucinates random sequences of numbers being all around him. As he tries to recollect his memories and understand what’s happening to him (with the assistance of the interrogators), the player goes through a variety of missions that led up to Mason’s current state.

The Vietnam War.
The Vietnam War.

The game starts off with Mason waking up in an interrogation room, strapped to a chair that electrocutes him. In front of him are multiple screens and a man with a deep voice asks him questions that Mason can’t seem to answer. Mason keeps seeing weird numbers and the voice wants to know what these numbers mean. After resisting, Mason decides to co-operate. The voice wishes to know where things started off, during the battle of the Bay of Pigs. This real life operation occurred in the 60s where the CIA trained Cuban insurgents to take down Castro. The scene starts with Mason in a bar with special ops Bowman and Woods. Things go bad real quick when the cops arrive and the group has to flee. Mason drives his car into a police barrage and the game suddenly flashes white and teleports the player several hours later with Mason about to attack Castro’s palace along with Cuban insurgents. After a lot of shooting, Mason assassinates Castro and his prostitute. The squad make a run for their plane but while it’s taxiing to take off, the Cubans block off the run way. Mason decides to sacrifice himself by jumping off the plane, taking control of an AA gun and blowing up the roadblock. The squad gets away but Mason is captured.

Alex wakes up face to face with Castro. What he killed was a doppelganger. There was a leak in the intel and Castro knew the Americans were coming. Castro is working with a Russian called Dragovich. Castro gives Mason to Dragovich who sends him to Vorkuta, a mining gulag in Siberia. There Alex meets Reznov who becomes his only friend. Together they plan to break out of the gulag through a 5 phase revolution. They succeed but are gassed by the Soviets. Reznov helps Mason get up and both get on motorcycles and in a call back to “The Great Escape” ride them out of the gulag. Alex manages to make it and jump on a train but Reznov is caught. Mason makes it back to the USA and meets with Secretary McNamara who leads him to the Pentagon and President Kennedy, who gives him a top secret mission to assassinate Dragovich. During this scene, numbers play in Mason’s head and he has weird hallucinations including one where he pulls a gun on the president. Despite all this, Mason makes his way to a launch site in Russia where Dragovich is said to be. There he meets Woods and together they sabotage the launch site and go after Dragovich who apparently dies in a car crash.

Weaver ready for the assault.
Weaver ready for the assault.

Several years pass and Mason begins to obsess over Dragovich, believing that he’s still alive. Mason is sent to Vietnam to locate an informant who has intel about Soviet activity in the region. There Mason reunites with Woods and Bowman and together they go on a killing spree through Vietnam and meet the informant, who’s in fact Reznov. Reznov reveals that Dragovich is in fact still alive and so is his right hand man. Dragovich is creating a super bio-weapon that goes by the name of Nova 6. Reznov also explains how he ended up in the gulag in the first place. Right after the second world war, the Soviet army was conducting operations to eradicate the last of the Nazis that were still posted in Siberia. A Nazi Scientist by the name of Steiner had decided to co-operate with the Soviets by giving them an extremely powerful Bio-weapon that would give them the upper hand on the Americans. After fighting through the last of the Nazis, Steiner brings the Soviets to a wrecked ship frozen in ice. There they find Nova 6 and Dragovich decides to test it on his own soldiers. Disgusted, Reznov rebels and is left for dead as the two evil generals escape. Reznov places charges in the boat, blowing it up and escapes.

Back in the 60s, agent Hudson is following a lead in Hong-Kong. The informant is about to reveal what the numbers are about but is killed. The informant tells Hudson and his squad about a mountain base where Steiner can be found. Steiner is not there but the numbers and the main cities where the bio-weapon will be released. Steiner tells Hudson (via intercom) that Dragovich is eliminating anyone he doesn’t need anymore. Fearing for his life, he wants Hudson and his squad come and get him at Rebirth Island.

The SOG get close air support.
The SOG get close air support.

Mason and Reznov track Steiner to Rebirth Island, where they fight their way to him. When they find him, Reznov is about to finish Steiner off when two men with Hazmat suits break in. At this point, the interrogator yells at Mason, telling him that Mason himself killed Steiner and not Reznov. The game rewinds 20 minutes and the player experiences the situation from Hudson’s point of view, who was one of the men who crashed through the window. It is revealed that Mason did in fact pull the gun on Steiner, not Reznov. It is also revealed that Reznov died in the prison break, and that every appearance he made after that mission was part of Mason’s imagination. When Mason was in Vorkuta, he was brainwashed by his captors who programmed him to kill President John F. Kennedy. However, Reznov sabotaged the operation and changed the programming so that Mason would want to kill the three men that brainwashed him, thus explaining his actions during the game.

Hudson and Weaver reveal themselves to be the interrogators. Hudson frees Mason from his shackles but Mason immediately knocks him out with a punch. Mason stumbles around the building in a trance for a bit before being stopped by Hudson. At this point, Dragovich starts the first broadcast to his sleeper agents around the United States, which Mason hears and interprets. The signal is coming from a ship called the Rusalka. Hudson, Mason, and a large contingency of soldiers attack the ship. After some intense fighting, Mason chokes Dragovich to death, and they destroy the ship.

After the game is finished, real footage of President Kennedy’s fatal ride with his motorcade plays. At the end of the presentation, the video pauses and zooms in on a crowd that Kennedy was greeting. There we see Mason, suggesting that he was involved in the assassination of the President.

Campaign Missions

  1. Operation 40
  2. Vorkuta
  3. U.S.D.D.
  4. Executive Order
  5. S.O.G.
  6. The Defector
  7. Numbers
  8. Project Nova
  9. Victor Charlie
  10. Crash Site
  11. WMD
  12. Payback
  13. Rebirth
  14. Revelations
  15. Redemption


The game offers gameplay elements that are new to Call of Duty games, such as piloting a helicopter and flying a jet. The game also offers weapons that were popular at the time and then some. The developers have explained that the soldiers that were part of Black Ops got to use prototype weapons and weapons that would appear on the battlefield years later. This is why the game lets you play with shotguns that have incendiary ammo (“Dragon’s Breath”) and crossbows with explosives tips. Like in other Call of Duty games, Black Ops relies on big set pieces, including one where your helicopter is shot down while you’re rappelling down from it.


Black Ops has a competitive multiplayer mode, as well as a cooperative “Nazi Zombies” mode.

A fourth new scenario was introduced with the second “Escalation” Map pack, called Call Of The Dead, which is a tribute to horror movies, with an all-star cast, allowing players to take control of Danny Trejo, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Robert Englund and Michael Rooker, with legendary horror movie writer George Romero as a boss zombie.

The zombie storyline continued with the introduction of the “Annihilation” Map pack, introducing the map “Shangri-La”. it follows the Four original characters into a resort-like map, filled with multiple traps and narrow corners. this map introduces female zombies, a new Wonder Weapon called the 31-79 JGb215, monkeys that drop a power up in a roulette-like manner, and a special means of obtaining all the perks.

The final Zombie experience added was the ” Moon” map from the “Rezurrection” DLC. this map takes place on a colony on the moon, with all the characters in space suits. the level takes into account the moon’s gravity, affecting movement of both the zombies and the players, as well as featuring a new wonder weapon named the Wave/Zap Gun, which causes zombies to swell up and explode. the map also features, for the first time in the series, a survival like area of the map where there are no rounds, but infinitely spawning zombies and hellhounds.

Single Player Specific Weapons

The single player campaign contains all of the multiplayer weapons plus a few extras:

Submachine Guns

Assault Rifles


Sniper Rifles



Multiplayer Weapons

Primary – Assault Rifles

NameStatisticsUnlocked at LevelCostIcon
M16Damage: 7/10
Range: 8/10
Accuracy: 9/10
Mobility: 9/10
Fire Rate: 3 Round Burst

EnfieldDamage: 5 /10
Range: 7/10
Accuracy: 7/10
Mobility: 9/10
Fire Rate: 7/10
M14Damage: 8 /10
Range: 8/10
Accuracy: 6/10
Mobility: 9/10
Fire Rate: Semi-automatic
FamasDamage: 5 /10
Range: 7/10
Accuracy: 8/10
Mobility: 9/10
Fire Rate: 8/10
GalilDamage: 6 /10
Range: 8/10
Accuracy: 6/10
Mobility: 9/10
Fire Rate: 7/10
AUGDamage: 5/10
Range: 7/10
Accuracy: 7/10
Mobility: 9/10
Fire Rate: 8/10
FN FALDamage: 8 /10
Range: 8/10
Accuracy: 8/10
Mobility: 9/10
Fire Rate: Semi-automatic
AK47Damage: 7/10
Range: 8/10
Accuracy: 6/10
Mobility: 9/10
Fire Rate: 7/10
CommandoDamage: 6/10
Range: 8/10
Accuracy: 7/10
Mobility: 9/10
Fire Rate: 7/10
G11Damage: 7/10
Range: 7/10
Accuracy: 9/10
Mobility: 9/10
Fire Rate: 3 Round Burst
44 (after purchasing all Assault Rifles)2000

Primary – Submachine Guns

NameStatisticsUnlocked at LevelCostIcon
MP5KDamage: 6/10
Range: 6/10
Accuracy: 5/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: 5/10
SkorpionDamage: 8/10
Range: 2/10
Accuracy: 8/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: 7/10
MAC11Damage: 6/10
Range: 6/10
Accuracy: 5/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: 8/10
AK74uDamage: 7/10
Range: 8/10
Accuracy: 7/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: 6/10
UziDamage: 5/10
Range: 6/10
Accuracy: 6/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: 8/10
PM63Damage: 6/10
Range: 6/10
Accuracy: 8/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: 8/10
MPLDamage: 5/10
Range: 7/10
Accuracy: 7/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: 8/10
SpectreDamage: 6/10
Range: 7/10
Accuracy: 6/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: 7/10
KiparisDamage: 6/10
Range: 8/10
Accuracy: 8/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: 8/10
41 (after purchasing all SMGs)2000

Primary – Shotguns

NameStatisticsUnlocked at LevelCostIcon
OlympiaDamage: 8/10
Range: 4/10
Accuracy: 8/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: Double Barrel
StakeoutDamage: 8/10
Range: 2/10
Accuracy: 7/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: Pump Action
SPAS-12Damage: 7/10
Range: 3/10
Accuracy: 5/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: Semi-automatic
HS-10Damage: 7/10
Range: 3/10
Accuracy: 6/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: Semi-automatic
21 (after purchasing all Shotguns)2000

Primary – Light Machine Guns

NameStatisticsUnlocked at LevelCostIcon
HK21Damage: 5/10
Range: 7/10
Accuracy: 6/10
Mobility: 8/10
Fire Rate: 7/10
RPKDamage: 5/10
Range: 7/10
Accuracy: 6/10
Mobility: 7/10
Fire Rate: 7/10
M60Damage: 7/10
Range: 6/10
Accuracy: 5/10
Mobility: 8/10
Fire Rate: 5/10
Stoner63Damage: 6/10
Range: 7/10
Accuracy: 8/10
Mobility: 8/10
Fire Rate: 9/10
21 (after purchasing all LMGs)2000

Primary – Sniper Rifles

NameStatisticsUnlocked at LevelCostIcon
DragunovDamage: 8/10
Range: 9/10
Accuracy: 5/10
Mobility: 9/10
Fire Rate: Semi-automatic
WA2000Damage: 8.5/10
Range: 9/10
Accuracy: 7/10
Mobility: 9/10
Fire Rate: Semi-automatic
L96A1Damage: 9.5/10
Range: 9/10
Accuracy: 6/10
Mobility: 9/10
Fire Rate: Bolt Action
PSG1Damage: 9/10
Range: 9/10
Accuracy: 8/10
Mobility: 9/10
Fire Rate: Semi-automatic
27 (after purchasing all Sniper Rifles)2000

Secondary – Pistols

NameStatisticsUnlocked at LevelCostIcon
ASPDamage: 3/10
Range: 5/10
Accuracy: 7/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: Semi-automatic
M1911Damage: 4/10
Range: 5/10
Accuracy: 5/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: Semi-automatic
MakarovDamage: 5/10
Range: 6/10
Accuracy: 7/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: Semi-automatic
PythonDamage: 7/10
Range: 8/10
Accuracy: 5/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: Revolver
CZ75Damage: 5/10
Range: 5/10
Accuracy: 5/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: Semi-automatic (full auto with attachment)
18 (after purchasing all Pistols)2000

Secondary – Launchers

NameStatisticsUnlocked at LevelCostIcon
M72 LAWDamage: 9/10
Range: 5/10
Accuracy: 4/10
Mobility: 8/10
Fire Rate: Free Fire or Aircraft Lock-On
RPG-7Damage: 9/10
Range: 5/10
Accuracy: 4/10
Mobility: 8/10
Fire Rate: Free Fire
Strela-3Damage: 10/10
Range: 10/10
Accuracy: 10/10
Mobility: 8/10
Fire Rate: Aircraft Lock-On
China LakeDamage: 10/10
Range: 5/10
Accuracy: 5/10
Mobility: 8/10
Fire Rate: Grenade Launcher
China Lake
China Lake

Secondary – Specials

NameStatisticsUnlocked at LevelCostIcon
Ballistic KnifeDamage: 10/10
Range: 2.5/10
Accuracy: 4/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: Single Shot
Ballistic Knife
Ballistic Knife
Crossbow (Explosive Tips)Damage: 10/10
Range: 5/10
Accuracy: 5/10
Mobility: 10/10
Fire Rate: Single Shot

Care Package Exclusive Weapons

Special Zombies Mode Weapons

  • Ray Gun
  • Monkey Bomb
  • Bowie Knife – (upgraded melee weapon)
  • Matryoshka Doll – (Cluster Bomb)
  • Gersh Device – (Black Hole Bomb)
  • Thundergun
  • Wunderwaffe DG-2 (World at War maps/Call of The Dead only)
  • Winter’s Howl – (Five only)
  • Semtex Grenades – (Call of The Dead onwards)
  • 31-79 JGb215 – (Shangri-La only)
  • Spikemore – (Bamboo Claymore, Shangri-La only)
  • Wave Gun – (Moon only)
  • Zap Gun Dual Wield – (a variation of the Wave Gun, Moon only)
  • Quantam Entanglement Device – (Bomb with random effects, Moon only)

Zombies Mode Weapons, When Upgraded by a “Pack-a-Punch” Machine

  • Mustang & Sally (upgraded version of M1911)
  • Mnesia (upgraded version of M14)
  • Hades (upgraded version of Olympia)
  • AK74fu2 (upgraded version of AK74u)
  • The Afterburner (upgraded version of MP40)
  • Raid (upgraded version of Stakeout)
  • MPL- LF (upgraded version of MPL)
  • MP115 Kollider (upgraded version of MP5K)
  • Tokyo & Rose (upgraded version of PM63)
  • Skullcrusher (upgraded version of M16)
  • H115 Oscillator (upgraded version of HK21)
  • R115 Resonator (upgraded version of RPK)
  • M72 Anarchy (upgraded version of M72 LAW)
  • China Beach (upgraded version of China Lake)
  • Calamity (upgraded version of CZ75)
  • Calamity & Jane (upgraded version of CZ75 Duel Wield)
  • Cobra (upgraded version of Python)
  • AUG-50M3 (upgraded version of AUG)
  • EPC WN (upgraded version of FN FAL)
  • G16-GL35 (upgraded version of FAMAS)
  • Predator (upgraded version of Commando)
  • G115 Generator (upgraded version of G11)
  • Lamentation (upgraded version of Galil)
  • SPAZ-24 (upgraded version of SPAS-12)
  • Typhoid & Mary (upgraded version of HS-10)
  • D115 Disassembler (upgraded version of Dragunov)
  • L115 Isolator (upgraded version of L96A1)
  • Porter’s X2 Ray Gun (upgraded version of Ray Gun)
  • The Krauss Refibrillator (upgraded version of Ballistic Knife)
  • Awful Lawton (upgraded version of Crossbow)
  • ZeusCannon (upgraded version of Thunder Gun)
  • Winter’s Fury (upgraded version of Winter’s Howl)
  • Wunderwaffe DG-3 JZ (Upgraded version of WunderWaffe DG-2, World at War Maps only)
  • Porter’s X2 Zap Gun (upgraded version of Dual Weild Zap Gun, Moon only)
  • Max Wave Gun (Upgraded version of Wave Gun, Moon only)

Zombie Map Perks

  • Quick Revive (Light Blue)- Player revives themselves when downed, it is the only perk that can be obtained without turning on the power, has only 3 uses in single player (similar to second chance)
  • Jugger-nog (Red)- Increases the player’s HP from 2 hits to 5.
  • Double-Tap RootBeer (Yellow-Green) – Increases rate of fire of all guns by 33% (similar to the Rapid Fire attachment)
  • Speed Cola (Green)- decreases time for reload (same as Sleight of Hand perk)
  • Stamin-up (Yellow) – Increases movement speed and running distance (combination of Lightweight and Marathon perks, Ascension onwards)
  • PHD Flopper (Purple) – Player creates a mini-nuke when diving from a height that normally causes damage, and is immune to splash damage.(Ascension onwards)
  • Dead-Shot Daiquiri (Grey)- when aiming down sight, the gun will automatically aim for the head. also, the player gains the Steady Aim perk, with a smaller reticle when hip-firing, and no sniper rifle sway when looking down sights. (Call of the Dead onwards)
  • Mule Kick (Light Green) – allows the player to have a third weapon slot (this perk was initially in Moon only, but was expanded to all of the maps).

Weapon Attachments and Equipment

Unlike previous Call of Duty games, where equipment and weapon attachments in multiplayer must be unlocked either by achieving certain levels or by getting kills with another weapon attachment, all equipment and weapon attachments are available for purchase at the start. All Launchers and Specials do not have any weapon attachments.

Weapon Attachments

  • ACOG Sight (replaces iron sights with enhanced zoom ACOG scope, increases “range” stat by 1 bar)
  • Dual Mag (taped magazines for a quicker first and alternating reload)
  • Dual Wield (akimbo weapons with hip fire only, reduces “accuracy” stat by 2 bars)
  • Extended Mag (larger magazines)
  • Flamethrower (under-barrel flamethrower)
  • Full Auto Upgrade (upgrades from semi-automatic to fully-automatic) (only available on the CZ75 machine pistol)
  • Grenade Launcher (under-barrel grenade launcher)
  • Grip (stabilizes weapon, reduces kickback, increases “accuracy” stat by 1 bar)
  • Infrared Scope (replaces iron sights with enhanced zoom Infrared scope, increases “range” stat by 2 bars)
  • Low Power Scope (replaces iron sights with enhanced zoom low power scope, increases “range” stat by 1 bar) (only available on the G11 assault rifle)
  • Masterkey (under-barrel shotgun)
  • Rapid Fire (increased rate of fire, increases “fire rate” stat by 2 bars)
  • Red Dot Sight (replaces iron sights with precise Red Dot sight)
  • Reflex Sight (replaces iron sights with precise Reflex sight)
  • Snub Nose (shorter barrel, increases “accuracy” stat by 1 bar and decreases “damage” stat by 1 bar) (only available on the Python revolver)
  • Speed Reloader (faster reloading) (only available on the Python revolver)
  • Suppressor (silencer that reduces muzzle flash and does not make you visible from radar when firing, decreases “range” stat by 1 bar, range decrease excluded for SPAS-12)
  • Upgraded Iron Sights (more defined iron sights) (only available on certain handguns)
  • Variable Zoom (replaces iron sights with adjustable zoom sniper scope, increases “range” stat by 2 bars)

Lethal Throwables

  • Frag (standard fragmentation grenade that can be “cooked”)
  • Semtex (plastic explosive grenade that sticks before detonating)
  • Tomahawk (retrievable throwing axe that is instant death on impact)

Tactical Throwables

  • Willy Pete (smoke screen grenade that causes a small amount of damage on detonation)
  • Nova Gas (tear gas grenade that damages over time while impairing vision and movement)
  • Flashbang (flash grenade that impairs vision and hearing while also temporarily disabling enemy equipment and turrets)
  • Concussion (stun grenade that impairs movement and orientation while also temporarily disabling enemy equipment and turrets)
  • Decoy (distraction grenade that simulates enemy gunfire while being displayed on enemy radar)

Special Equipment

  • Camera Spike (remote camera placement that displays it’s contents on your mini-map)
  • C4 (plastic explosives that can be remotely detonated)
  • Tactical Insertion (drop zone beacon that allows you to place your next spawn point)
  • Jammer (electronic jamming device that disables enemy radar and equipment)
  • Motion Sensor (sensor that detects enemy movement within its radius)
  • Claymore (directional proximity mine. can be picked up and repositioned)

Multiplayer Perks

The multiplayer three-perk system from Modern Warfare 2 make a return in Call of Duty: Black Ops. Unlike previous Call of Duty games, where standard perks can only be unlocked by reaching certain levels, all standard perks are available from the start. However, these perks must be bought using the in-game currency. Unlike Modern Warfare 2, where Pro perks can only be unlocked by completing the same challenge multiple times, Call of Duty: Black Ops requires players to complete three unique challenges in order to be able to buy Pro perks (sometimes requiring the player to play multiple game modes). Each player character’s attire is now determined by which “Perk 1” perk they choose, rather than their chosen primary weapon. Like Modern Warfare 2, Pro perks add their bonuses to the standard perks. Pro versions, once unlocked, cost 3000 COD points to convert the perk into the Pro version.

Perk 1 (Blue Perks)

NameDescriptionPro Unlock ChallengesCostIcon
Lightweight7% faster sprint speed.
Pro Version: no fall damage.
  • Escape death (from being shot an enemy) 5 times using the Lightweight perk.
  • Kill 15 enemies using melee with the Lightweight perk.
  • Get 10 Offense Medals using the Lightweight perk (by killing enemies while near their objective).
No Caption Provided
ScavengerReplenish ammo and lethal throwables from fallen enemies.
Pro Version: Replenish tactical throwables. Increases starting ammo for both primary and secondary weapons/
  • Resupply 150 times using the Scavenger perk.
  • Kill 5 enemies using resupplied lethal throwables while using the Scavenger perk.
  • Get a 5-kill streak (not necessarily a killstreak reward of 5 kills) 5 times while using the Scavenger perk.
No Caption Provided
GhostRemain undetectable by enemy Spy Planes.
Pro Version: Remain undetectable by all enemy killstreak rewards except Blackbirds and Dogs. When targeted by enemies, their crosshairs do not turn red and player’s name is hidden.
  • Kill 50 enemies using the Ghost perk while the enemy team has a Spy Plane or Blackbird active.
  • Destroy 50 aircraft using the M72 LAW, RPG-7, Strela-3, or China Lake while using the Ghost perk.
  • Destroy a Sentry Gun while using the Ghost perk.
No Caption Provided
Flak Jacket65% damage reduction from explosives.
Pro Version: 95% damage reduction from fire. Picking up thrown enemy grenades resets their fuses.
  • Survive 10 explosions while using the Flak Jacket perk.
  • Plant or defuse 10 bombs in the Demolition, Sabotage, or Search & Destroy gamemodes while using the Flak Jacket perk.
  • Throw back 5 enemy Frag Grenades while using the Flak Jacket perk.
No Caption Provided
HardlineKillstreak rewards require one less kill.
Pro Version: Allows the player to “re-roll” the contents of any Care Package.
  • Share 10 Killstreak reward crates (including Care Packages, SAM Turrets, Sentry Guns, and Valkyrie Rockets) with teammates while using the Hardline perk.
  • Earn 7 killstreaks in one match while using the Hardline perk.
  • Get 7 kills without dying in one match match while using the Hardline perk.
No Caption Provided

Perk 2 (Yellow Perks)

NameDescriptionPro Unlock ChallengesCostIcon
HardenedBullets penetrate walls and objects twice as deep.
Pro Version: 25% extra damage to killstreak rewards. View orientation kicks around 80% less when shot.
  • Get 10 kills using the Hardened perk by shooting through walls.
  • Shoot 200 bullets into enemy aircraft while using the Hardened perk.
  • Destroy one piece of equipment through a wall or object while using the Hardened perk.
No Caption Provided
ScoutAllows players to hold their breath twice as long with sniper scopes.
Pro Version: 50% faster weapon switching.
  • Kill 50 enemies with secondary weapons while using the Scout perk.
  • Get 50 “One Shot, One Kill” medals while using the Scout perk.
  • Kill 30 enemies via headshots while using the Scout perk.
No Caption Provided
Steady Aim30% increased accuracy when firing from the hip.
Pro Version: 40% faster aiming down sights after sprinter. 40% shorter recovery time after knife lunges.
  • Melee two enemies consecutively within 5 seconds while using the Steady Aim perk.
  • Kill 100 enemies after sprinting while using the Steady Aim perk.
  • Get 150 hip-fire kills using the Steady Aim perk.
No Caption Provided
Slight of Hand50% faster weapon reloading.
Pro Version: 50% faster aiming down sights, expect with Sniper Rifle scopes.
  • Kill 150 enemies while aiming down the sights and while using the Sleight of Hand perk.
  • Kill an enemy within 5 seconds of reloading 30 times while using the Sleight of Hand perk.
  • Wound an enemy, reload, and then finish him off while using the Sleight of Hand perk 10 times.
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WarlordAllows primary weapons to be equipped with two attachments, expect underbarrel attachments.
Pro Version: Spawn with one extra lethal and tactical throwable, expect Willy Pete grenades.
  • Kill 150 enemies using a weapon with two attachments while using the Warlord perk.
  • Kill 10 enemies with Frag or Semtex grenades while using the Warlord perk.
  • Get a multi-kill with a Frag or Semtex grenade while using the Warlord perk.
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Perk 3 (Green Perks)

NameDescriptionPro Unlock ChallengesCostIcon
Tactical MaskNullifies the effects of Nova Gas grenades
Pro Version: reduces the effects of flashbangs and stun grenades by 90% and shows the location of flashed or stunned targets.
  • Kill 20 enemies blinded by the player’s Flashbang grenade while using the Tactical Mask perk.
  • Kill 20 enemies stunned by the player’s Concussion grenade while using the Tactical Mask perk.
  • Kill 20 enemies poisoned by the player’s Nova Gas grenade while using the Tactical Mask perk.
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MarathonSprint duration lasts twice as long.
Pro Version: unlimited sprint duration.
  • Sprint 26 miles using the Marathon perk.
  • Achieve the first kill in ten rounds while using the Marathon perk.
  • Capture the flag 15 times in the Capture The Flag gamemode while using the Marathon perk.
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Ninja75% quieter movement.
Pro Version: Completely silent movement. Enemy movement becomes twice as loud.
  • Kill 150 enemies using a weapon with the Suppressor attachment while using the Ninja perk.
  • Knife 5 enemies in the back while using the Ninja perk.
  • Plant the bomb 10 times in the Demolition, Sabotage, or Search & Destroy gamemodes while using the Ninja perk.
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Second ChanceFall to ground and pull out a pistol for a 10 seconds, expect with headshots or grenade kills.
Pro Version: 10 additional seconds in second chance (for a total of 20 seconds). Can be revived.
  • Kill 10 enemies while in Second Chance mode.
  • Kill the enemy who downed you five times while in Second Chance mode.
  • Kill an enemy via a headshot while in Second Chance mode
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HackerAbility to detect enemy equipment
Pro Version: Change enemy equipment into friendly, booby trap enemy care packages, remain undetectable to enemy motion sensors.
  • Destroy 10 equipment or explosives while using the Hacker perk.
  • Kill 25 enemies with Claymores and/or C4 explosives while using the Hacker perk.
  • Kill 25 enemies within the radius of your Jammer or Motion Sensor while using the Hacker perk.
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Multiplayer Killstreak Rewards

Customizable killstreak rewards return from Modern Warfare 2, which can be customized once the player reaches level 10. Unlike Modern Warfare 2, players have access to all the killstreak rewards from the start, though each reward must be purchased using the in-game currency. Players can use rewards once they reach a specific number of kills in one life. Kills from killstreak rewards do not add to the killstreak count. Most aerial killstreak rewards can be shot down by gunfire or missiles.

Kills RequiredNameDescriptionCost
3 KillsSpy PlaneAerial plane that shows enemy positions on allied mini-maps.Free
3 KillsRC-XDRemote controlled car strapped with explosives.1200
4 KillsCounter Spy PlaneAerial plane that disables enemy mini-maps.1600
4 KillsSAM TurretPlaceable anti-air turret that automatically targets aerial killstreak rewards. Must be airdropped.1600
5 KillsCare PackagePackage containing a random killstreak or ammo. Must be airdropped.Free
5 KillsNapalm StrikeAirstrike that covers an area in burning napalm. Can not be shot down. Can be aimed.2400
6 KillsSentry GunPlaceable anti-infantry turret that automatically fires at enemy players. Must be airdropped.3200
6 KillsMortar TeamMortar strike placeable in three different locations.3200
7 KillsAttack HelicopterAutomated Cobra helicopter targeted at a specific area where it will hover and fire at enemy players.Free
7 KillsValkyrie RocketsRocket launcher with two remote controlled rockets. Must be airdropped4000
8 KillsBlackbirdAerial SR-71 plane that shows both enemy position and direction on allied mini-maps. Can not be shot down.4500
8 KillsRolling ThunderCarpet-bombing airstrike that completely covers the map in straight line. Can be aimed. Can not be shot down.4500
9 KillsChopper GunnerAutomated helicopter in which the player controls the side mounted machine gun.5000
11 KillsAttack DogsGroup of attack dogs that will attack and kill enemy players.6000
11 KillsGunshipHind helicopter in which the player pilots and controls the guns.6000

Multiplayer Maps

Call of Duty: Black Ops includes 14 multiplayer arenas, split up into three different faction wars: the CIA Black Ops vs. the Soviet Armed Forces, the Studies and Observations Group vs. the North Vietnamese Army, and Operation 40 vs. the Tropas. These maps vary in size and geography (from the urban Cracked to the arctic Summit). The game is the first in the Call of Duty series to include both maps with interactive objects (switches in Radiation that controls the center doors) and maps with an actively changing environment (the rocket launching in Launch).

ArrayBlack Ops vs. SpetsnazArray is a medium, snow covered map with a large array station at the center. The large open areas surrounding the station make sniping ideal. A large antenna with a small platform on the east side of the map makes a perfect sniping spot. The multi-leveled interior of the station make for a lot of close combat encounters.
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CrackedSOG vs. NVACracked is a large, urban map with a long, partially demolished structure at the center. A complex, multi-leveled structure of buildings surround the entire map making close quartered weapons such as shotguns and submachine guns ideal.
CrisisOp 40 vs. TropasCrisis is a medium, jungle map centered around a missile factory in Cuba. The map is believed to be a recreation of the Bay of Pigs invasion due to a beach located in the south filled with landing craft. The large outdoor areas and complex indoor environments make the map ideal for just about any type of combat, long range or short range.
Firing RangeOp 40 vs. TropasFiring Range is small map set entirely within a training camp’s firing range. The map’s close tight quarters make short range weapons such submachine guns, shotguns, and light machine guns ideal. The tower in the center of the map provides excellent line of sight but is entirely open, providing almost no cover.
Firing Range
Firing Range
GridBlack ops vs. SpetsnazGrid is a medium, snow covered map comprised of two large buildings and two hangers with a large field to the east. The multi-leveled indoor environments are well suited for close quarter weapons while the long road running down the center of the map is ideal for assault or sniper rifles.
HanoiSOG vs. NVAHanoi is a medium, night time map set entirely within a prison. The map features a large, open court yard housing gallows. Long corridors surround the the north and south sides of the map making the map ideal for assault rifles.
HavanaOp 40 vs. TropasHavana is a medium, urban map featuring a long road running completely down the center of the map with a complex building structure on east and west sides of the road. The map contains a ton of small indoor environments making it ideal for submachine guns or shotguns. Most players tend to stick with indoor locations and avoid the center of the map as it is very exposed.
JungleSOG vs. NVAJungle is a large map set entirely within a Vietnam jungle. The map features a large wet area weaving it’s way down the center of the map surrounded tight corridors with huts and ruins making the map suitable for just about any type of combat, long range or short range.
LaunchBlack Ops vs. SpetsnazLaunch is a medium map set entirely inside a missile launch facility. The map features a large missile in the north that will launch after about three minutes into a match. A large amount of corridors make the map ideal for submachine guns or shotguns expect in a few select locations where assault rifles may be beneficial.
NuketownBlack Ops vs. SpetsnazNuketown is a small map set entirely inside a nuclear testing facility. The map has two very similar houses sitting in the north and south ends of the maps with a large bus and moving van in between the houses. The center of the map is ideal for grenades while the surrounding area is suitable for submachine guns and shotguns. Nuketown is considered to be the most popular map available in Call of Duty: Black Ops because of it’s tendency to be a very fast paced map filled with many close encounters.
RadiationBlack Ops vs. SpetsnazRadiation is a medium map set entirely inside a nuclear processing plant. The map features a large open center area containing two large blast doors that can be opened or closed using a switch located either on the north or south end of the map. The south end of the map features a large warehouse containing a control room and a conveyor belt that can be deadly. The map is well suited for assault rifles, submachine guns, shotguns, light machine guns and even features two decent sniping locations.
SummitBlack Ops vs. SpetsnazSummit is a medium, snow covered map set in the Ural Mountains. The map features a medium sized building in the center of the map as well as a cable car system in the north-west corner of the map. The many shacks and buildings make the map ideal for submachine guns and shotguns.
VillaOp 40 vs. TropasVilla is medium map set inside a large estate. The map map features a large, multi-level mansion in the east providing a great vantage point of the large courtyard. Two other multi-level buildings provide great vantage points covering a large portion of the map. This makes the map ideal for assault rifles or sniper rifles.
WMDBlack Ops vs. SpetsnazWMD is a large, snow covered map featuring many large building structures. The nature of the building layout provide many great positions to attack unsuspecting enemies caught out in the open corridors weaving in between the buildings. This makes the map ideal for assault rifles or sniper rifles.

First Strike Map Pack

Berlin WallBlack Ops vs. SpetsnazBerlin Wall is a medium, snow covered map. The map features two roads running on either side of the wall surround by a large network of multi-leveled buildings. In the middle of the map is a “red zone” or “no man’s land” zone where players will be gunned down by automatic turrets if they venture into the zone. The long distance of the roads and the close quarters of the buildings make the map ideal for submachine guns or assault rifles.
Berlin Wall
Berlin Wall
DiscoveryBlack Ops vs. SpetsnazDiscover is a large, snow covered map set entirely inside an abandoned German outpost from World War 2. The map features a large bridge and several smaller natural and man made bridges going across the center of the map over a large deadly drop. Three of these natural bridges can be slightly destroyed to create gaps in the center where players might accidentally fall through. A large amount of buildings provide multiple vantage points across the map making it ideal for assault rifles or sniper rifles.
KowloonBlack Ops vs. SpetsnazKowloon is a medium, urban map set entirely on the rooftops of Kowloon, Hong Kong. The map features two zip lines, a feature completely unique to this map. The short corridors and a large amount of buildings make the map ideal for submachine guns or shotguns.
StadiumBlack Ops vs. SpetsnazStadium is a medium, urban map almost entirely in the outdoor area of a stadium. The map features a large amount of buildings providing many vantage points to several of the corridors winding around the map as well as the large open courtyard in the center. This makes the map suitable for just about any type of combat, long range or short range.

Escalation Map Pack

ConvoyBlack Ops vs. SpetsnazConvoy is a medium, urban map set during a fictional Soviet invasion in California. The map features a large highway bridge at the center of the map with a variety of buildings and pathways circling it. The walkways at either end of the bridge and the long range pathways makes this map ideal for sniping.
HotelOp 40 vs. TropasHotel is a medium, urban map set at a Cuban resort. The map features a large casino and hotel at the north and south ends with a pool and swim up bar at the center. The two large buildings feature functioning elevators leading ideal sniper locations. This makes the map ideal for sniping and also long range assault rifles.
StockpileBlack Ops vs. SpetsnazStockpile is a medium, urban, snowy map set entirely in an Russian village. The map features a large center building with two large steel doors that can be opened or closed. Smaller buildings and outdoor pathways circle the large center building. This makes the map suitable for just about any type of combat, long range or short range.
ZooBlack Ops vs. SpetsnazZoo is a medium, urban map set in an abandoned Ukrainian zoo. The map features a monorail running around the map filled with a large amount of buildings. This makes the map ideal for any type of combat, long range or short range.

Annihilation Map Pack

Drive-InBlack Ops vs Sptesnaz

Drive-in is a small map reminiscent of both Nuketwon and Firing range, taking elements from both maps, located in Area 51. there are two sniper spots located facing near the centre of the map.

Hangar 18Black Ops Vs SpetsnazMap takes place in Area 51. it is a Medium-Sized map with an SR-71 Blackbird inside of the main hangar. (the Hangar is also the starting area of the Moon Map in COD Zombies.)
Hangar 18
Hangar 18
HazardOp40 vs TropasThis is a remake of the Cliffside map from Call of Duty: World At War, and is now a minigolf course. there are multiple outdoor areas in the map, which allow for long range shooting.
SiloBlack Ops Vs SpetsnazOne of the Largest Maps in Call of Duty, this takes place on a hidden Russian military base. Multiple long range and Sniper Areas.

Matchmaking Playlists

The main multiplayer component of Call of Duty: Black Ops is the Player Match mode, in which players square off (via matchmaking) in playlists containing Team Deathmatch, FFA Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Headquarters, Domination, Demolition, Sabotage, or Search & Destroy game modes.


The main playlist category that is unlocked by default. Contains basic game modes and maps.

NameDescriptionPlayer CountUnlocked at Level
Team DeathmatchTwo teams pitted against each other. The first team to reach 7500 points, wins.6-121
MercenaryTeam Deathmatch with random players, no parties allowed6-121
Free For AllDeathmatch, everybody for themselves. The first person to reach 30 kills, wins.4-81
DominationTwo teams fight for control over 3 points. Each team gets 1 point per flag every 5 seconds. First team to reach 200 points, wins.6-124
Ground WarLarger player counts for Team Deathmatch and Domination. Team Deathmatch win limit increased to 1000 points.12-184
DemolitionThe attacking team must destroy two bomb sites while the defending team tries to stop them. At the end of one round the two teams switch places for another round.6-127
SabotageTwo teams fight for control of a bomb. The team with possession of a bomb must destroy the other team’s objective.6-1210
HeadquartersTwo fights fight for control of a position. The team currently in possession of the position gains 50 points every 5 seconds and can not respawn once they are killed, until the location expires.6-1210
Capture the FlagEach team must capture the enemies flag while guarding their own flag. A team must have their flag at their base to capture the enemies flag. The first team to 3 flag captures wins that round and then the teams switch sides for one more round. In the event of a tie, the first team to make one capture wins.6-1213
Search & DestroyA bomb and defuse objective mode where the attacking must destroy one out of two bomb sites and the defending team must stop them. Players are not allowed to respawn until the next round. Three rounds are played and the teams switch sides. The first team to win four rounds, wins.6-1213
Team TacticalSmaller player counts for Team Deathmatch, Domination, Capture the Flag, Demolition, and Search & Destroy. The smaller player count restricts the playlist to smaller maps.4-819
ExpressRound cooldown of 30 seconds, no Ghost or Second Chance perks allowed.


Playlists that are stripped down of certain gameplay mechanics.

NameDescriptionPlayer CountUnlocked at Level
PureTeam Deathmatch with no Perks, Killstreak Rewards, Weapon Attachments, Equipment, or Contracts.6-1216
ClassicTeam Deathmatch emulating Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare & Call of Duty: World at War. Perks, some Weapon Attachments, Equipment, and Contracts are allowed. However, killstreaks are limited to Spy Plane (3 kills), Napalm Strike (5 kills), and Attack Helicopter (7 kills).6-1216
Team TacticalPure mode in Team Deatchmatch, Domination, Capture the Flag, Demolition, and Search & Destroy with a smaller player count.6-816


Hardcore game modes make a return in its own category. Limited HUD, 30% health, and friendly fire.

NameDescriptionPlayer CountUnlocked at Level
Team DeathmatchTeam Deathmatch with a limited HUD, lower health, and friendly fire enabled.6-1219
HeadquartersHeadquarters with a limited HUD, lower health, and friendly fire enabled.6-1219
Capture the FlagCapture the Flag with a limited HUD, lower health, and friendly fire enabled.6-1219
Search & DestroySearch & Destroy with a limited HUD, lower health, and friendly fire enabled.6-1219
Free for AllFree for All with a limited HUD, lower health, and friendly fire enabled.4-819


New to Call of Duty: Black Ops are special Prestige playlists, which are only unlocked and playable when reaching specific Prestige levels. They’re identical to the Core Team Deathmatch, Hardcore Team Deathmatch, and Pure Team Deathmatch playlists.

NameDescriptionPlayer CountUnlocked at Level
Prestige TDMTeam Deathmatch with players that have hit prestige.6-12Prestige 1
Prestige HardcoreHardcore Team Deathmatch with players that have hit prestige.6-12Prestige 10
Prestige PureTeam Deathmatch with no Perks, Killstreak Rewards, Weapon Attachments, Equipment, or contracts with players that have hit prestige.6-12Prestige 15

Wager Matches

New to Call of Duty: Black Ops are special six-player free-for-all game modes which are used in new “Wager Matches”. Players gamble their COD points earned in Player Match games in order to attempt to win more points. There are three playlists for Wager Mode:

  • ANTE UP (Buy-in fee of 10 COD points, parties allowed)
  • WEEKEND GAMBLER (Buy-in fee of 1000 COD points, no parties allowed)
  • HIGH ROLLER (Buy-in fee of 10000 COD points, no parties allowed, random Wager Mode game modes)

During the lobby, players can choose to raise the stakes and double the buy-in fee. Rewards are split up and given to the top three players of the match. The four Wager Mode game modes have no class selection, putting each player in an equal playing field.

One in the Chamber

Players start with a pistol (with one bullet and the ability to instant kill), a knife, and three lives only. Players receive points and another bullet after each kill. Players who are not eliminated also receive points after another player is eliminated. Once a match is down to two players, both players have their Spy Planes active at all times. The match ends when one player remains. The player with the most points wins the match.

Sticks and Stones

Players start with a Crossbow (with four explosive tip arrows), two Ballistic Knives, and a Tomahawk. Players must kill each other to score points. (Though knifing people will give players 1/4 of the kill points and killing people with the tomahawk gives players 1/10 of the kill points) Killing an enemy with a Tomahawk resets that enemy’s score down to zero. Committing suicide resets the player’s score down to zero. All players have their Spy Planes active at all times. The player with the most points after five minutes wins the match.

Gun Game

Based on a popular game modification for Counter-Strike: Source, Gun Game requires players to upgrade their “Weapon Tier” by killing enemies with their current weapon (which has infinite ammo). Killing players with that weapon upgrades the killer’s Weapon Tier and replaces his weapon with the next one (unless the death occurs while the killer is dead, in which the killer’s Weapon Tier does not upgrade). Killing a player with a knife lowers their Weapon Tier. Committing suicide, however, lowers the player’s Weapon Tier, replacing his weapon with the previous one. The first player to kill with a Ballistic Knife wins the match.

  1. Python (with Speed Reloader)
  2. Makarov (with Dual Wield)
  3. SPAS-12
  4. Stakeout
  5. MP5K
  6. Skorpion (with Dual Wield)
  7. AK74u
  8. M14
  9. M16
  10. Famas
  11. AUG
  12. HK21
  13. M60
  14. L96A1
  15. WA2000
  16. RPG-7 (formerly Grim Reaper, which is still used in some versions)
  17. M72 LAW
  18. China Lake
  19. Crossbow (with Explosive Tip)
  20. Ballistic Knife


Every player carries the same weapon (with infinite ammo), which randomly cycles every 45 seconds. Players earn points by killing opponents, and earn bonuses that last the rest of their life by earning killstreaks. The player with the most points after five minutes and fifteen seconds (cycling through seven different weapons) wins the match. The final round is the Sharpshooter Round, in which everybody has a x2 Point Multiplier (which can stack with the x2 Point Multiplier bonus).

  • 1 kill – Sleight of Hand Pro
  • 2 kills – Lightweight Pro
  • 3 kills – Steady Aim Pro
  • 4 kills – x2 Point Multiplier

Dedicated Servers

For the PC version of COD: Black Ops, it has been confirmed to use a mixture of rent-able dedicated servers, and also servers powered by Treyarch. There will only be one server provider, Game Servers, who are offering ranked and unranked servers. Those who choose to rent a server will have full control over it, from admin powers such as being able to kick and ban players, to choosing which map and game modes will be played. Also to clarify, Treyarch has said that “no one will need to purchase a server to play”, meaning that those who decide to play the PC version will have plenty of free servers to play on provided by Treyarch.

SP Campaign Levels

  1. Operation 40
  2. Vorkuta
  3. U.S.D.D.
  4. Executive Order
  5. S.O.G.
  6. The Defector
  7. Numbers
  8. Project Nova
  9. Victor Charlie
  10. Crash Site
  11. WMD
  12. Payback
  13. Rebirth
  14. Revelations
  15. Redemption

Bugs & Glitches

The game launched with some multiplayer glitches, which prompted Treyarch to warn players against exploiting these glitches and threatening permanent bans against any cheaters.

PC and Console Glitches

Play in Third Person mode – There is a glitch, on some game settings, that if you were viewing in third person waiting to respawn (or join), and there is a host migration, you will start the match in third person. it operates in the same manner as the mode in Modern Warfare 2, but without crosshairs, or zooming in while aiming.

ZooOutside of Map – it is possible, through a knifing glitch, to leave the boundaries of the multiplayer map and walk around on the rest of the are able to then walk through a wall onto the street next to the zoo, and the player is even able to swim in the river. however, travelling far enough will cause automatic death.

PC Version Glitches

  • Suicide exploit: With the use of console commands, players can turn suicides into experience points awards (as opposed to penalties). Players can earn over 30,000 XP for every self inflicted death and create fast ranking servers as a result.

Special Editions

Exclusive to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of Call of Duty: Black Ops, the Hardened and Prestige editions of the game include the game along with:

Hardened Edition

Black Ops' Hardened Edition
Black Ops’ Hardened Edition

  • Premium steel case.
  • Collector’s medal with display case.
  • Code to download the four Nazi Zombies maps from Call of Duty: World at War, improved for the game.
  • An exclusive outfit for either Xbox Live or PlayStation Home avatars.

Prestige Edition

Black Ops' Prestige Edition
Black Ops’ Prestige Edition

  • Premium steel case.
  • Collector’s medal with display case.
  • Code to download the four Nazi Zombies maps from Call of Duty: World at War, improved for the game.
  • An exclusive outfit for either Xbox Live or PlayStation Home avatars.
  • A replica RC-XD surveillance vehicle, which gives both video and audio feedback to the receiver.


CD Cover
CD Cover

The original score for Call of Duty: Black Ops was composed by Sean Murray.

Track #Song TitleRunning Time
01Cube One00.58
02Eagle Claw, pt. 104.14
10Hard Target03.18
11The Wall03.15
19Eagle Claw, pt. 202.16
21Flaming Dart03.04
24Anvil (remix)02.19
26Punch Through04.54

PC System Requirements

Minimum Requirements

  • OS: Windows® Vista / XP / 7
  • Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom™ X3 8750 or better
  • Memory: 2GB RAM
  • Hard Drive Space: 12 GB
  • Video Card: Shader 3.0 or better 256MB NVIDIA® GeForce® 8600GT / ATI Radeon® X1950Pro or better
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
  • DirectX: DirectX 9.0c

Mac System Requirements


  • OS:10.7.4
  • Processor:Intel Core 2 Duo
  • Memory:4 GB RAM
  • Graphics:ATI 3870 with 512MB of VRAM
  • Hard Drive:15 GB HD space
  • Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection

Additional:NOTICE: Apple Intel Chipsets only. Power PC Processors (G4 and G5) are not supported. NOTICE: The following chipsets are not supported for Call of Duty Black Ops ATI Radeon HD 2000 series, HD 4670, HD6630M NVIDIA 8000 & 9000 series, GT100 series, 320M, 330M Intel Integrated GMA950, x3100, HD3000 & 4000 NOTICE: This game is not supported on volumes formatted as Mac OS Extended (Case Sensitive)

Due to performance concerns, Aspyr does not recommend purchasing or playing Call of Duty : Black Ops on any Mac that has an Nvidia Graphics Chipset. Nvidia is currently working on providing an graphics driver update that will provide official support for the latest Mac Book Pro with the Nvidia 650M Graphics Card. The following chipsets are not supported for Call of Duty Black Ops Mac: HD3000, HD4000HD4670, HD6630M, Nvidia 8000 &9000 series, GT100 series, 320M, 330M, Intel Integrated GMA950, x3100.


  • OS:10.8
  • Processor:Intel Quad Core
  • Memory:4 GB RAM
  • Graphics:ATI 5750 with 1GB of VRAM
  • Hard Drive:15 GB HD space
  • Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection

Additional:NOTICE: Apple Intel Chipsets only. Power PC Processors (G4 and G5) are not supported. NOTICE: The following chipsets are not supported for Call of Duty Black Ops ATI Radeon HD 2000 series, HD 4670, HD6630M NVIDIA 8000 & 9000 series, GT100 series, 320M, 330M Intel Integrated GMA950, x3100, HD3000 & 4000 NOTICE: This game is not supported on volumes formatted as Mac OS Extended (Case Sensitive)

Xbox 360 Hard Drive Install

Call of Duty Black Ops can be installed to your XBOX 360 Hard Drive. The optional game installation takes up 6.9 GB of Hard Drive space.


Treyarch’s website –

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