Chess Titans


Chess Titans is a digital chess game developed by Oberon Games and released by Microsoft for the PC in 2006, bundled with certain Windows Vista and Windows 7 installations.
One of the three built-in games included with certain premium versions of the Windows Vista operating system (the other games being InkBall and Mahjong Titans), Chess Titans is a simple chess game with support for both local multiplayer and AI opponents (with 10 difficulty levels). It also supports the Windows Media Center service for use with TVs.
Along with a standard 2D top-down view for low-end users, the game includes full 3D rendering with a rotatable camera. Both versions of the game include multiple board themes (Porcelain, Marble, and Wood), while the 3D version includes multiple themes for the pieces themselves (Porcelain, Frosted Glass, and Wood).
It is considered a spiritual successor to the Chess game included in the Microsoft Entertainment Pack series, although it does not include advanced features (such as the ability to save move lists). Like other pack-in games that are kept when upgrading the Windows operating system, the base installation of Chess Titans is removed completely once an April 2018 update of Windows 10 is applied.
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