Super Smash Bros. Melee


Super Smash Bros. Melee (known in Japan as Dairantou Smash Brothers DX, translated to “Great Melee Smash Brothers DX”) is a 2.5D crossover platformer-fighting game developed by HAL and published by Nintendo for the GameCube in Japan (on November 21, 2001), in North America (on December 3, 2001), and in Europe (on May 24, 2002).
The sequel to the Nintendo 64 game Super Smash Bros., Melee revamps the graphical and gameplay engines of its predecessor while doubling the roster (including characters from other Nintendo franchises, such as the Fire Emblem series) and adding new game modes, collectible “trophies”, stages, and items. The game also introduces customizable player names (which also track the player’s stats), a currency system (Coins, used for trophies and continues), and optional alternate stage soundtracks to the series.
With the game’s successful reception, the game is still well-received by high-level fighting game fans and is still considered an active tournament game (with competitions still held at EVO and MLG events), even after the release of the game’s sequels.

The game plays in the same format of its predecessor. A big part of the fighting is items, objects that have direct or indirect effects in battle. The way a player approaches this game can greatly differ with some players opting for crazy 4-player item matches and others choosing to have one on one fights on the more standard stages. Most of these originated from a previous Nintendo franchise which may or may not be represented in the game by a character. The actual game unfolds exactly like the earlier title, with it’s percentage based system and knock-out of stage concept.
One of Melee’s most acclaimed qualities is its large amount of playable modes. Default matches play out in Stock (a predetermined number of lives) or Time, where matches end when a certain time limit expires. Coin and Bonus battles are also available. In the former, players can earn coins by damaging other players, the one with the most coins prevails. In Bonus battles, players must try to gain bonuses, which grant points, by fighting with style or accomplishing different feats.
A number of single player modes are also introduced. Classic mode derives directly from the original Smash Bros. The new Adventure mode, however, consists of a series of platform-style 2D stages, all of which represent multiple Nintendo franchises. For example, the first level is a basic side-scroller level designed to look like the classic Super Mario Bros, game with the same music and enemies.
Changes from the original
- Characters can now perform a wall jump.
- Characters now have four throws and can pummel the opponent while holding a character in the throw.
- All characters now have a left/right special attack in addition to their original three.
- Characters can now spot dodge and air dodge.
- It is possible for characters with a ranged grab attack (such as Samus and Link) to grab onto the side of the stage when recovering.
- All characters can now move with a heavy item, whereas only Donkey Kong could do this in the original.
- Smash attacks can now be charged by holding the “A” button, as well as quickly executed with a respective flick the the “C” stick.
- Stock matches now have an optional time limit.
- On occasions when breaking container items a common enemy from Mario, Ice Climber or Zelda may pop out.
- The “C” stick can be used to change the camera angle while navigating the menu screens.
- The game moves at a much faster pace.
- Items can now be caught in mid-air after they’ve been thrown.
Item List
Name | Description | Franchise/Game |
Party Ball | A container item that explodes with confetti and items, though on occasion it will contain bob-ombs or enemies. | Smash Bros. |
Capsule | A container that holds an item or an enemy, it can be thrown at an opponent to do damage. | Smash Bros. |
Crate | A heavy container item that the player will struggle to walk with while holding, there is a small chance of enemies emerging. | Smash Bros. |
Barrel | A heavy container item, if a barrel is thrown to the side it will roll along the floor until it breaks. | Smash Bros. |
Beam Sword | A powerful weapon with a long reach, it is similar in appearance to a lightsaber. | Smash Bros. |
Home-run Bat | A baseball bat that almost always kills an opponent when used with a fully charged smash attack. | Smash Bros. |
Fan | Why is the fan awesome? Because it is. The fan attacks an opponent with weak rapid fire hits. | Smash Bros. |
Star Rod | An item from the Kirby series that can be used to shoot stars out the end. | Kirby |
Parasol | An umbrella weapon that can be used for attacks and to float peacefully back to the stage. | Kirby |
Lip’s stick | An item from the Japanese version of Tetris Attack. When a fighter is hit with this item it will attach a flower to their head that continually drains their health. | Panel de Pon |
Hammer | An item that constantly swings when picked it up until it runs out, it deals a lot of damage and knock back. | Donkey Kong |
Ray Gun | A gun that shoots out long powerful green beams. | Smash Bros. |
Fire Flower | A item from the Mario series, it shoots a jet of flame out at enemies. | Mario |
Super Scope | A Nintendo peripheral created for the SNES, it can shoot rapid fire shots or be charged up for a more powerful blast. | Nintendo |
Green Shell | The shell of a standard Koopa, it will slide along the ground if thrown or jumped upon. | Mario |
Red Shell | A famous Mario Kart weapon, when it is activated it will go after the nearest player. | Mario |
Mr Saturn | A useless item that walks back and forth from the Earthbound franchise. Mr Saturn is a chill bro. | Earthbound |
Flipper | After it is thrown it will stop in mid air and hitting it will cause it to spin, anyone who walks into a spinning flipper will be thrown back. | Balloon Fight |
Freezie | An item from the Ice Climbers universe that will freeze an opponent solid. | Ice Climber |
Bob-omb | A famous Mario enemy, if it is not thrown it will walk back and forth and eventually explode. | Mario |
Pokeball | A spherical object that when thrown releases a random strange and exotic creature known as a pokémon. | Pokémon |
Barrel Cannon | A barrel that can be jumped into. Pressing “A” when inside it will fire the fighter out of the cannon. | Donkey Kong |
Motion-Sensor Bomb | An explosive that attaches itself to the stage and detonates when a player comes within its proximity. | Smash Bros. |
Starman | A famous Mario power up that activates a temporary burst of invincibility. | Mario |
Warp Star | An item from the Kirby franchise, when used this item launches the fighter into the sky and come smashing back into the stage doing some large damage. It is possible direct where it will land on the stage. | Kirby |
Poison Mushroom | An item from the Mario series that debuted in the Lost Levels, this mushroom looks slightly different to the Super Mushroom and shrinks whoever it comes into contact with for a limited time. | Mario |
Super Mushroom | Perhaps the most famous power up of all time, it makes the character become much larger and more powerful for a limited time. | Mario |
Screw Attack | A character holding this items regular jumps will become screw attacks ala Samus Aran. | Metroid |
Cloaking Device | An item that turns the player invisible for a limited time, though the outlines of the player can still be seen. | Perfect Dark |
Metal Box | This item turns the player completely metal, making them move a lot slower and be harder to knock long distances. | Mario |
Bunny Hood | This item allows the player to jump much higher and also move much faster. | The Legend of Zelda |
Food | This item will lower the damage percent by a varied amount. | Smash Bros. |
Maxim Tomato | An item from the Zelda franchise that heals a large amount of health. | The Legend of Zelda |
Heart Container | An item from the Zelda franchise that heals a large amount of health. | The Legend of Zelda |
Pokeballs are a staple of the Smash Bros franchise, having appeared in every game. When thrown, a random Pokemon will be summoned. There are 29 individual Pokemon that can appear in Melee and an extra one (Ditto) can be accessed through the use of an Action Replay. The previous game only had 13 Pokemon. Unlike in Brawl, which limits the number of pokeballs on screen at one time to three, there can be an infinite amount of pokeballs on the screen at any time in Melee. Other than Electrode, the moves of a Pokemon that is summoned will not affect the one who threw the pokeball. Mew will not appear in the game until all characters have been unlocked and Celebi will only appear when all stages and characters have been unlocked. After this, both have a 1-in-251 chance of appearing.
Pokemon Name | Description of move |
Articuno | Articuno unleashes a blizzard that freezes opponents and deals massive damage. |
Bellossom | Bellossom sings a song that will send anyone within a close proximity to sleep. |
Blastoise | Blastoise uses a water attacks to push the opponent off the stage. |
Celebi | Its appearance is very rare. It drops trophies onto the stage. |
Chansey | Chansey throws out a number of eggs that can be thrown for damage and contain an item inside. |
Charizard | Charizard shoots flames out either side of itself. |
Chikorita | Chikorita will shoots multiple leafs straight forward damaging enemies. |
Clefairy | Clefairy will do one of four random attacks:
Cyndaquil | Cyndaquil will hop into the air and shoot flames down in front of itself. |
Electrode | It charges up and then explodes. On occasion it will be a dud. There is a brief window before the explosion where Electrode can be picked up and thrown. |
Entei | A wheel of fire is shot directly upwards. |
Goldeen | Goldeen will flop about uselessly on the stage. |
Ho-oh | Ho-oh will fly off the screen and then unleash a column of fire somewhere on the screen. |
Lugia | Lugia will shoot blasts of air out in front of itself that deal great damage. |
Marill | Marill will run around and slap whoever it crosses doing a small amount of damage. |
Mew | Mew will appear and then fly off doing nothing. The player will get a notice to say they have seen Mew if it is the first encounter. |
Moltres | Moltres hovers in the middle of the screen and then flies off, anyone who touches Moltres will almost certainly be instantly killed. |
Porygon2 | Dashes forward horizontally does small damage to whoever it comes into contact with and then disappears. |
Raikou | Electricity will surge around Raikou and anyone who touches it will be dealt massive damage. |
Scizor | Scizor will fly around the stage dealing large damage and knock-back to whomever it comes into contact with. |
Snorlax | Snorlax leaps into the air and then fall back down on the stage in a much larger form crushing those beneath him. |
Staryu | Staryu will search for a target and then shoot projectiles at its targets rapid fire. |
Suicune | Suicune creates a mini-blizzard around itself which does damage to opponents and has a possibility of freezing opponents. |
Togepi | Topepi will do one of five random attacks:
Unown | Unown will fly off the screen and then fly back across the screen with multiple other Unown’s dealing damage. |
Venusaur | Venusaur will stomp down on the ground hurting those within close proximity. |
Weezing | Weezing shoots out poison gas in a low damage, short distance move. |
Wobbuffet | Wobbuffet will rock back and forward when hit damages anyone who walks into it. If no-one attacks it then nothing will happen. |
Zapdos | Electricity circles Zapdos and it holds whoever touches it in place while it deals a hefty amount of damage. |

A new feature in this game is the addition of Trophies. Trophies (known as “Figures” in the Japanese version) are small replicas of various Nintendo characters and objects throughout history that can be collected throughout the game. These trophies include figures of playable characters, accessories, and items associated with them as well as secondary characters and properties not otherwise included in the game. The trophies range from the well-known to the obscure, and even characters or elements that were only released in Japan. The trophies include a description of the particular subject and detail the year and the game in which the subject first appeared. Super Smash Bros. had a similar system of plush dolls (Biographies); however, it only included the 12 playable characters.
There are 290 collectable trophies for the player to try and obtain in the American and European version of the game. There is a trophy menu that can be selected; in this mode the player can gamble to try and win new trophies, a mode where the player can pose their trophies and a mode where they can look through all their collected trophies. The player can access the gallery to view all the trophies they have collected so far, a “new” tag will show up besides the recently collected. The trophy lottery allows the player to spend coins earned in the game to try and win new trophies. The collection mode allows the player to pose the trophies they have earned. The Japanese version of the game has some additional trophies but three of these can be gained in the American version through using Action Replay codes.
Single Player
Classic – The successor to the 1 Player game in Super Smash Bros, players fight a string of battles with some random conditions (such as fighting Giant/Metal characters), interspersed with mini-games such as Target Test and Snag the Trophies. The end battle is always the same: against Master Hand.

Adventure – A mode with equal parts platforming and battling. Certain stages/areas are only accessible in this mode. The player is tasked with making it to the end of character themed levels, such as the Hyrule dungeon crawl level, where the player has the chance to beat up Like-Likes, Re-deads, and Octoroks. Players make it to different stages by completing the battles at the end of them. By meeting certain conditions, players may be allowed to participate in special battles (such as, against Giant Kirby or Giga Bowser).
All-Star – Unlocked after acquiring every character. In this mode, the player must fight and defeat every character, with characters randomly teamed up to battle. Damage is not healed after each fight, it only heals when using one of the 3 heart containers in the lobby area. Trophies occasionally appear in the lobby after a fight.
Event Matches – In these specialized matches, players must meet specific conditions (such as collect 200 coins during the battle) or defeat special opponents (such as the cast of Super Mario Bros. 2). Only the first 10 are available to start, but up to 51 are unlockable by completing events and meeting certain conditions. The majority of the matches let the player select any character to attempt an event, though some do have a pre-determined character that must be used.

Stadium Games – Simple mini-games including the Home Run Contest (smack the sandbag), Target Test (break the targets), and Multi-Man Melee (defeat as many opponents as possible). There is also an Endless Melee mode which pits the player against an infinite number of foes until they are defeated, Cruel Melee which pits the player against some of the hardest CPU leveled characters in the game, and 100/50/15 man melee where the goal is to defeat said number of foes.
Training – Standard training mode with adjustable conditions.
Versus Mode – The standard Smash Bros. mode. This is where the majority of friendly and competitive matches take place. The player can determine which items are dropped, which stages appear, how many lives each player has, or the length of the match.
Special Melee – Players play matches under various conditions, such as slow-motion, and giant characters.
Tournament Mode – Players set up their own tournament with various conditions, with up to 64 players participating. They can also set the final match to be a two or four player match.

Super Smash Bros. Melee sports a roster of 25 playable characters (26 if counting Sheik separately), 11 of which must be unlocked.
All characters from the original Super Smash Bros. return (with Captain Falcon and Ness now unlocked from the start). All playable characters are from Nintendo franchises, with three new franchises used (Fire Emblem, Ice Climber, and Game & Watch).
Like the game’s predecessor, hidden characters can be unlocked in single-player modes under a specific criteria (such as completing Classic or Adventure Modes with certain characters). All hidden characters can also be unlocked by completing certain amounts of matches in Vs. Mode (with the last character unlocked at 1,000 matches). All unlockable characters must also be defeated in a special one-on-one one-stock match in order to be unlocked.
New Additions
- Peach (Mario) – One of her alternate costumes is the outfit worn by Princess Daisy.
- Ice Climbers (Ice Climber) – Known as Ice Climber in the Japanese version. Players control one character (Popo) with a second character (Nana) tagging along for attacks. Alternatively, players can play as Nana (with Popo tagging along) as alternate costumes.
- Zelda (The Legend of Zelda) – Can transform into her alter-ego “Sheik” and back using her “Transform” down-special.
- Dr. Mario (Dr. Mario) – Plays similarly to Mario. Unlocked either after 100 Vs. Mode battles or by completing either Classic or Adventure Modes using Mario without continuing.
- Pichu (Pokémon) – Plays similarly to Pikachu. Unlocked either after 200 Vs. Mode battles or by completing Event Match #37.
- Falco (Star Fox) – Plays similarly to Fox. Unlocked either after 300 Vs. Mode battles or by completing 100-Man Melee Mode.
- Marth (Fire Emblem) – Unlocked either after 400 Vs. Mode battles, by completing either Classic or Adventure Modes with all 14 starting characters, or by playing as every starting character in Vs. Mode.
- Young Link (The Legend of Zelda) – Plays similarly to Link. Unlocked either after 500 Vs. Mode battles or by completing either Classic or Adventure Modes with 10 separate characters.
- Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda) – Plays similarly to Captain Falcon. Unlocked either after 600 Vs. Mode battles or by completing Event Match #29.
- Mewtwo (Pokémon) – Unlocked either after 700 Vs. Mode battles or by having a combined playtime (human players only) of 20 hours in Vs. Mode.
- Roy (Fire Emblem) – Plays similarly to Marth. Unlocked either after 900 Vs. Mode battles or by completing either Classic or Adventure Mode using Marth without continuing.
- Mr. Game & Watch (Game & Watch) – Unlocked either after 1000 Vs. Mode battles, by completing Target Test with all other characters, or by completing both Classic and Adventure Modes with all other characters.
- Fighting Wire Frames (original) – Sub-boss of Adventure Mode and opponents of all Multi-Man Melee Modes. Based on Captain Falcon and Zelda and have no special moves. Unplayable.
- Crazy Hand (original) – Secret final boss of Classic Mode and opponent of Event Match #50. Teams up with Master Hand (who it is based on) and has bonus team-based attacks. Like Master Hand, it cannot be knocked out and requires players to deplete its vitality using attacks. Unplayable.
- Giga Bowser (original) – Secret final boss of Adventure Mode and opponent of Event Match #51. Larger and more powerful version of Bowser. Unplayable.
Returning Characters
- Mario (Mario) – In Adventure Mode, players fight against a tougher version of him as a sub-boss (Metal Mario).
- Jigglypuff (Pokémon) – Known as Purin in the Japanese version. Unlocked either after 50 Vs. Mode battles or by completing either Classic or Adventure Modes.
- Luigi (Mario) – Plays similarly to Mario. Unlocked either after 800 Vs. Mode battles or by completing Stage 2 of Adventure Mode with the number “2” in the seconds meter, then by defeating him in an alternate Stage 3. In Adventure Mode, players fight against a tougher version of him as a sub-boss (Metal Luigi) once he is unlocked.
- Master Hand (original) – Final boss of Classic Mode and opponent of Event Match #50. Like the previous game, it cannot be knocked out and requires players to deplete its vitality using attacks. Unplayable.
Multiple characters in this game are “clones” of one another. This means that they have essentially the same moves but handle differently and appeal to different players. This is a list of the clones in Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Roy / Marth: Roy handles like more of a heavy character with his main area of damage being the middle of his sword. Marth handles more like a light characters with a shorter recovery whose main damage box is at the edge of his sword. Marth’s Down B “Counter” attack is slightly faster than Roy’s and always does 7% damage. Roy’s “Counter,” on the other hand, takes a little more time to perform but does 1.5 times the damage of the opponents countered attack. Roy will take damage from his fully charged standard special move but has more of a potential for damage. Marth has much greater range than Roy due to his hit box being at the tip of his blade.
Fox / Falco: Falco is more of a heavy character and a fast faller after using an aerial move. Good at ground combos leading into air combos into a spike. A slower laser gun but, being a little bit more powerful, slightly stuns the enemy. Fox is a light character who is arguably the fastest character in the whole game. He is extremely good at doing combos in the air leading to a shine off of the edge. Has a much faster laser which can be spammed repeatedly to keep enemies at a distance, but there is no stun from his blasts. Falco has a worse recovery with his Up B and Side B (Falco Phantasm) having a less range than Fox’s respective moves. Another notable difference lies in the characters’ Down Aerial. Fox’s Down Aerial functions as a combo attack, hitting six or seven times and having little-to-no knockback, whereas Falco’s Down Aerial is a single hit spike.
Link / Young Link: Link and Young Link don’t have to many substantial differences; Young Link is lighter and thus faster than Link; Link is heavier and slower than Young Link. Given the difference in the size of their swords, Young Link has a slightly shorter range than Link in certain moves. Both have similar moves with slight aesthetic differences. Both have the ability to use their hookshot to grab onto ledges, but only Young Link has the ability to perform a wall jump technique and it is actually required in his target test stages. There main special move is different when activated on the ground in the Young Links version does less damage but does immediate knock-back, Link’s version will trap his opponent in the spin before knocking them away. When Young Link taunts he will have a swig of tasty milk, where as Link will just summon Navi.

Captain Falcon / Ganondorf: Captain Falcon is a fast light character and a fast faller. Falcon is fast enough to break into many combos and is an extremely good character for chain throws. Ganondorf is a heavy and slow moving character. Despite the fact that Ganondorf is slightly stronger than Falcon, Falcon is fast enough to gain the same damage from multiple moves as one of Ganondorfs powerful moves in about the same time. Ganondorf has an arguably better recovery due to the Down B trick. While recovering, both characters can use their mid-air jumps, followed by the Down B (Falcon Kick/Wizard’s Foot) and recover their midair jump for further use. The difference in use lies in the great range of Falcon’s Down B, causing him to lower his position a greater amount than Ganondorf’s attack, making the trick more difficult to use than Ganondorf’s.
Mario / Dr. Mario: Both play extremely similarly with the only real differences being the after effect of each of their same moves. Both have the same exact speed and falling time, although Mario has slightly more range and slightly less power than the Doctor. Both have the same distance of recovery. Both of the characters can use their capes (Side B) to gain horizontal distance to the ledge and end with an up b recovery. Using the cape makes up for both characters’ poor recovery. The two characters do have their differences, however subtle. For example: both characters have the same move set but Mario’s ground A “jab” combo is faster than Dr. Mario’s “jab” combo by about a quarter of a second and is only really noticeable when there are two controllers and are making both do the same moves at the same time. The first two attacks, punches, are perfectly timed but the third attack, a kick, sees Mario pulling ahead of the Doctor. This is a result of an extra few frames of Doctor putting his fist down after the second punch. Furthermore, Mario’s and Dr. Mario’s grounded Down B are the same attack with the same damage but, Mario’s attack sends enemies launching straight up into the air while Dr. Mario’s sends the enemies at an arc to either side of him. Mario’s fireballs have a higher downward angle of trajectory from the hand than Dr. Mario’s pills, the Doctor’s pills deal random damage unlike Mario’s fireballs. Bigger differences lie in the characters’ aerial moves. Visually, Mario and Dr. Mario have the same Forward Aerial, but in practice, Mario’s attack is a meteor smash whereas Dr. Mario’s attack sends the opponent straight upward. Mario’s Neutral Aerial reduces in damage and knock-back the longer it is out (which is the norm for similar ariel moves for other characters) while opposite is true for Dr. Mario’s Neutral Aerial (unique to Dr. Mario). Both have similar cape attacks. These two are true clones with only mild differences and essentially a pallet swap to tell the two apart.
Pikachu / Pichu: Following the trend of the clone characters, Pikachu is the heavier, stronger version of the character type, whereas Pichu is the lighter, weaker version. The most notable difference between the two is that Pichu hurts itself when using an electric attack, taking 1-4% of damage depending on the attack. This difference basically makes Pichu an inferior version of Pikachu. Its light weight coupled with its self-damaging attacks make Pichu much easier to KO than its evolved counterpart. Although the two have essentially the same moveset, other minor differences exist. Most of Pichu’s attacks seem to be designed more around multi-hit combos whereas Pikachu’s attacks are mainly one strong hit. Pichu’s Forward Smash, for example, hits several times in a row and ends with strong knockback. Pikachu on the other hand, hits just once for high damage and knockback. Also note that Pikachu’s Up B “Quick Attack” does damage (although minimal) to the opponent if it is in the path of movement, whereas Pichu passes harmlessly through the opponent.
The game has a total of 29 stages, 11 of which must be unlocked beforehand. Only three stages from the previous game have been added as unlockables (five if counting Battlefield and Final Destination).
Compared with the stages of the predecessor, many of the stages in this game have a variety of new features, including auto-scrolling, shifting platform layouts, new hazards, and alternate music choices.
- Princess Peach’s Castle (Mario) – Known as Peach-jou in the Japanese version. Set on the roof of the castle itself, the stage features two halves separated by a tall tower. Hazards include pressure-activated switches in three colors (each changing the layout of the floating platforms) and a random Banzai Bill that crashes into the castle (dealing large damage and knockback to all players inside the explosion). The stage theme is based on a mix of two tracks from Super Mario Bros.: the Ground and Underground themes.
- Rainbow Cruise (Mario) – Known as Rainbow Ride in the European version. Based on the “Rainbow Ride” stage from Super Mario 64. Unlike most stages, this one switches between two layouts in a looping pattern: one on a flying ship and an auto-scrolling section on a series of floating platforms. The stage theme is based on a mix of two tracks: “Slider” from Super Mario 64 and the Underwater theme from Super Mario Bros.
- Kongo Jungle (Donkey Kong) – Known retroactively as Kongo Falls (or Ikada to Taki). The main stage is a raft stuck on the edge of a waterfall, with four floating platforms above it. Hazards include a spinning Barrel Cannon moving across the bottom of the battlefield (which players can launch out of, either aiding recovery or throwing them off the screen), random Klaptraps that can deal great knockback, and logs that can roll down the waterfall (granting a temporary platform). The stage theme is based on “DK Rap” from Donkey Kong 64.
- Jungle Japes (Donkey Kong) – Known as Jungle Garden in the Japanese version. The stage is divided into three main platforms (with the center one enlarged and having a floating platform above it) with a raging water current underneath. The stage theme is based on “DK Island Swing” from Donkey Kong Country.
- Great Bay (The Legend of Zelda) – The stage is divided into four main platforms (one of which is above the others) over water. Hazards include one of the platforms sinking (as it’s a large turtle) and Tingle (who uses a balloon as a floating platform). The stage theme is based on the Overworld theme from The Legend of Zelda. When Young Link is unlocked, an alternate stage theme based on “Saria’s Song” from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time can be used.

- Temple (The Legend of Zelda) – An extremely large stage with a variety of platforms and pathways. The stage theme is based on the Dungeon theme from Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. When Marth is unlocked, an alternate stage theme based on both the Meeting and main themes from Fire Emblem: Ankoku Ryuu to Hikari no Tsurugi can be used.
- Yoshi’s Story (Yoshi) – Known as Yoshi Story in the Japanese version. A standard stage with three floating platforms (similar to Battlefield). Hazards include a moving floating platform (a smiling cloud) and flying Shy Guys (which can release food when items are enabled). The stage theme is based on “Yoshi’s Song” from Yoshi’s Story.
- Yoshi’s Island (Yoshi) – Known as Yousuta Island in the Japanese version. Resembling stages from Super Mario World, this stage is a long flat stage with large hills on either side. Hazards include Rotating Blocks that can be passed through when either attacked or bumped from below, three of them overlapping a pit. The stage theme is based on the Athletic Theme from Super Mario World. An alternate stage theme based on both the Overworld and Grass Land themes from Super Mario Bros. 3 can be used.
- Fountain of Dreams (Kirby) – A standard stage with three floating platforms (similar to Battlefield). Two of the floating platforms are mobile. Players can not pass underneath the main stage due to it being on a massive pillar. The stage theme is based on the Gourmet Race theme from Kirby Super Star.
- Green Greens (Kirby) – Split up into three flat islands (with the center one being the longest and having two floating platforms above it), this stage features a number of stacked blocks that can be destroyed. Hazards include the Bomb Block (which causes an damaging explosion when broken) and Whispy Woods (who occasionally pushes players with large gusts of wind and drops apples). The stage theme is based on the Green Greens theme from Kirby’s Dream Land.
- Corneria (Star Fox) – Known as Planet Corneria in the Japanese version. Similar to the Sector Z in the previous game, this stage takes place on the hull of the Great Fox (although at a smaller scale). Hazards include lasers that are fired by Arwings and Wolfens and large laser blasts fired by the Great Fox’s laser cannons (which can also be destroyed). The stage theme is based on the Venom theme from Star Fox.
- Venom (Star Fox) – Similar to Corneria, the stage takes place on the hull of the Great Fox (although instead of along its side, players now fight along its front). Along with the hull, players also fight on the ship’s four wings. Hazards include lasers that are fired by Arwings and Wolfens and cavern walls when the ship flies into a cavern. The stage theme is based on the main theme from Star Fox 64.
- Brinstar (Metroid) – A stage with a sloped central platform and three floating platforms. Two of these platforms, as well as the central platform, have fleshy blobs that can be destroyed and regenerated to slightly alter the layout. Hazards include a sea of dangerous acid that occasionally rises up and submerges most of the stage. The stage theme is based on the Brinstar theme from Metroid.

- Onett (Earthbound) – A long complex stage where the entire bottom of the stage is a platform. Hazards include vehicles that drive along the bottom, dealing heavy damage and knockback. The stage theme is based on “Bein’ Friends”, “Eight Melodies”, and “Mother Earth” from Earthbound Beginnings. An alternate stage theme based on “Pollyanna (I Believe in You)” from Earthbound Beginnings can be used.
- Mute City (F-Zero) – While the stage follows along a F-Zero race track, fighters battle on platforms intersecting the track, which change layout as time goes on. Hazards include F-Zero Racers that can knock into the fighters. The stage theme is based on the Mute City theme from F-Zero.
- Pokémon Stadium (Pokémon) – Unlike most stages, this one switches between multiple layouts as the battle progresses. The stage theme is based on the main theme from Pokémon Red / Pokemon Blue. An alternate stage theme based on the three battle themes from Pokémon Gold / Pokémon Silver can be used.
- Mushroom Kingdom (Mario) – Known as Inishi no Oukoku in the Japanese version. Resembling stages from Super Mario Bros., this stage is a long flat stage (with two pits at the center). Hazards include two floating platforms on a rope-and-pulley system (which can break if one platform is stood on for too long) and breakable blocks (both Brick Blocks and ? Blocks, the latter one producing an item if items are enabled). The stage theme is a recording of the Ground theme from Super Mario Bros., and is unique for using the “Hurry Up” version when 30 seconds remain on the timer (or on Sudden Death). An alternate stage theme based on “Fever” from Dr. Mario can be used.
- Icicle Mountain (Ice Climber) – Unlike most stages, this stage constantly auto-scrolls up and down at different speeds and features an endless amount of complex platforms (most of which are slippery). The stage theme is based on the Bonus Stage and Stage themes of Ice Climber. An alternate stage theme based on the Balloon Trip theme of Balloon Fight can be used.
Unlockable (Normal)
- Brinstar Depths (Metroid) – Unlike most stages, this stage is a giant rock formation that rotates at random intervals (due to Kraid in the background). The stage theme is based on the Kraid’s Lair theme from Metroid.
- Fourside (Earthbound) – Set on a complex layout of rooftops. Hazards include a UFO that floats down as a temporary platform. The stage theme is based on the Fourside theme from EarthBound.
- Big Blue (F-Zero) – The stage follows along a F-Zero race track, with fighters battling on platforms, F-Zero Racers, and Captain Falcon’s ship. The stage theme is based on the Big Blue theme from F-Zero. An alternate stage theme consisting of a medley of themes from Mach Rider can also be used.
- Poké Floats (Pokémon) – Known as Pokémon Akuukan in the Japanese version, this stage is an auto-scrolling stage taking place on giant balloons of numerous Pokémon. The stage theme is based on the three battle themes from Pokémon Red / Pokemon Blue.
- Mushroom Kingdom II (Mario) – Known as Inishi no Oukoku II in the Japanese version (retroactively as Inishi no Oukoku USA). Resembling stages from Super Mario Bros. 2, this stage is a long deliberately-retro stage using assets from the original game. Hazards include logs that fall from the waterfall (acting as temporary platforms) and Birdo (who spits eggs). The stage theme is a recording of the Ground theme from Super Mario Bros. 2, and is unique for using the Boss theme when 30 seconds remain on the timer (or on Sudden Death). An alternate stage theme based on “Fever” from Dr. Mario can be used.
- Flat Zone (Game & Watch) – Taking place on a large re-creation of the Game & Watch game Helmet (with numerous platforms and other Game & Watch characters added). The stage theme is an original theme that includes various beeping effects from Game & Watch games.
Unlockable (Special)
- Battlefield (original) – Known as Senjou in the Japanese version. A hazard-less stage that is completely flat with three identical floating platforms (one each on the left and right side in a symmetrical fashion and one above in the center). It is used for certain boss battles and Multi-Man Melee Mode. One of the stage themes used in Multi-Man Melee can be used as an alternate stage theme in VS. Mode.
- Final Destination (original) – Known as Shuuten in the Japanese version. A completely-flat stage with no alternate platforms or hazards. It is used for the final boss battle. One of the stage themes used in Multi-Man Melee can be used as an alternate stage theme in VS. Mode.
In addition, players can unlock three stages (with their original stage themes) from the original Super Smash Bros.: Dream Land N64, Yoshi’s Island N64, and Kongo Jungle N64.
- Legend has it that Hideo Kojima begged the Smash Bros. team to include Solid Snake in Melee, only to be told that development was too far along for him to be included. Luckily, Snake made it into Brawl.
- The Smash Bros. team had development plans for Lucas, the star of the Game Boy Advance only release game Mother 3. As an inclusive part of Melee’s character list, he would thus replace Ness from within the gameplay, but when Mother 3 was delayed until 2006 he was scratched from being a considerable replacement.
- If the player is playing as Fox or Falco on the Corneria or Venom stages they can activate a special taunt by pressing down on the D-pad for one frame of animation. They will then have a conversation with different members of the star fox crew such as Slippy and Peppy. The taunt takes a while to come out and will stop if the player is hit so it is hard to do in a competitive match.
- There is a glitch that can be performed on Hyrule Temple. It is a very specific glitch that causes the turnip’s that Peach throws to spark, flame, swirl and suck characters in and quickly do 999% damage to them. The glitch causes massive slowdown to the game and has been known to crash the GameCube.
- There is a glitch in the game that allows the player to play as the Master Hand, the glitch involves having the controller in the third port and utilizing some button presses on the name entry screen. What is amazing about this glitch is that it was not actually discovered until seven years after the original release of the game.
- After completing the classic mode the player is treated to a game where they are piloting an Arwing in a first-person perspective while they try to blast away at the credits. At the end of the credits the game will display a score and award the player coins based on their performance.
In January of 2003, Nintendo Power sent a live orchestrated version of the soundtrack to subscribers as a bonus. The track listing is as follows:
Song Title | Song Length | Game Song is From |
Planet Corneria | 02:05 | Star Fox ( SNES) |
Jungle Garden | 02:57 | Donkey Kong Country ( SNES) |
Great Bay Shrine | 04:14 | The Legend of Zelda and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link ( NES) |
Dr. Mario | 04:04 | Dr. Mario ( NES) |
Original Medley | 05:00 | Super Smash Bros. Melee ( GCN) |
Fountain of Dreams | 03:35 | Kirby Super Star ( SNES) |
Pokemon Medley | 05:00 | Various Pokemon Games ( Game Boy) |
Opening | 02:40 | Super Smash Bros. Melee ( GCN) |
Planet Venom | 02:19 | Star Fox 64 ( N64) |
Yoshi’s Story | 02:43 | Yoshi’s Story ( N64) |
Depth of Brinstar | 03:41 | Metroid ( NES) |
Smash Bros. Great Medley | 14:18 | Various Super Mario Bros. Games ( NES) |
Fire Emblem | 03:52 | Fire Emblem ( NES) |
Green Greens | 01:53 | Kirby’s Dream Land ( Game Boy) |
Rainbow Cruise | 02:49 | Super Mario 64 ( N64) |
The songs were recorded on August 27, 2002, at Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, Tokyo.
Conducted by: Taizo Takemoto
Performed by: New Japan Philharmonic.
Sponsored by: Nintendo Co. Ltd./HAL Laboratory Inc.
Produced by: AZA/HAL Laboratory, Inc.
Supervised by: Masahiro Sakurai.
Super Smash Bros. Melee is a game that consists of many glitches. Some of them took years to find out while some where discovered almost immediately. Some can be performed on the spot by a single player while some others require the teamwork of four friends to fully achieve. This is a list of some of the more iconic glitches from Melee.
Wavedashing is a core mechanic that the player will see if they watch any professional Smash Melee at all. It is something that wasn’t originally intended to be in the game but is technically the cause of a glitch. While this is probably the most common glitch it is often overlooked as one and has not been widely accepted as a feature of the game despite the fact that its roots are from a bug in the air dodge system.
In Melee all characters can do an air dodge while in the air by pressing L or R. When in airdodge mode a character is completely invulnerable from everything for a few seconds. Hits will not land and projectiles will simply go through them. However a risk of airdodging is that it makes it impossible to grab a ledge from off the map, so if using an air dodge to recover the player must try to land directly on the stage. After the full airdodge animation is played through then the character will go into a state of helplessness in which they cannot perform any actions whatsoever and will simply fall until they land on a platform, fall till they die, or get hit by an opponent or ally.
When an airdodge is done into the ground it cancels out the jump animation and has the character land with a small puff of smoke. When a character lands on an angle they will do a small slide against the flat ground of the map.
A wavedash is when a character does a shorthop with the x or y button (shorthops can be done by using the joystick to jump but they are extremely inefficient and impossible to use for wavedashing) while holding down left or down right. As soon as they do the shorthop while holding the direction they intended they should press L or R to do an airdodge. With everything working together and the airdodge being done while close to the ground and on an angle the character will do a wavedash in either direction.
Wavedashing is important to learn for all characters however it is a core mechanic for some while it is a bit of an afterthought for others. A character like Peach who has an extremely short wavedash won’t generally focus on her wavedash and will most likely use it for positioning her aerial attacks or do dodge attacks. Peach is faster when running. A character like Ice Climbers , however, who have one of the best wavedashes in the game which cover a long distance and can be performed easily use this as their primary form of transport at all times. Especially with Ice Climbers where the player wants to be fast but want to keep both climbers on the ground in an attempt to grab their opponent so they are open to a chaingrab.
Wavelanding is an offshoot technique of wavedashing. It is simply using wavedashing when the player did not intend to and simply using it when they land from a regular jump. This is used to great effect with characters like Falcon and Falco who have a good enough wavedashes that they can cover most of the platform with just one dash and use it to land. Ganondorf is the character who benefits best from wavelanding on stages like Yoshi’s Island and Dreamland 64.
Black Hole Glitch
The Black Hole Glitch is probably the most famous Smash Bros glitch which really has no positive effects. Out of all of the glitches it is probably one of the hardest to do as well because people can follow the steps exactly and sometimes not have it work. It also requires 4 players to do it.
The setup to do the black hole glitch is to turn items on on high and set the Super Scope on, get two teams in team battle each with their own spacie (Fox or Falco), a Peach on one team and any other character they want as a fourth player. Although the fourth character doesn’t matter Ness is usually the most common one as his projectile helps to make playing around with the Black Hole Glitch more fun, but that will be mentioned later.
The stage should be set to Hyrule Temple. Have the two spacies stand on the very interior edge of the two pillars in the center of the stage which lead to the underground path. Have the other two players go and find a Super Scope from a barrel or a capsule. Once the player obtains the Super Scope have them perform the infinite ammo glitch with the help of the fourth player.
After the player gets infinite ammo have the Peach player stand in the entrance to the tunnel, between and below Fox/Falco. Have the fourth player shoot rapid fire Super Scope shots through his teammate too the enemy across the way. Have the spacie on the opposite platform start to reflect the shots and have the second spacie be ready to immediately reflect them back. Make sure for this that both spacies are holding down their reflectors, it is only necessary for them to hold it on the startup of the glitch.
As the shots bounce back and forth have the super scope character stop and stagger his shots from time to time in an attempt to get a uniform green line between both reflectors. After a solid beam starts to form between them of the infinite amount of shots being reflected have the Peach underneath start throwing turnips into the beam from below. The Peach should stop around 12 or so, as 15 turnips or more has been known to crash the game.
At this point the spacies can let go of the reflectors and if everything went alright all of the turnips Peach threw upward should be stuck floating in the center of the two pillars on Hyrule Temple with the circular green glow of the Super Scope shots behind them. It is important to note that the framerate will take a serious dip here and will continue to for the rest of the match.
Whichever characters are not on Peaches team can take turns jumping into the black hole. As they jump into it they should get stuck and get rapidly hit until 999% at which point they can wiggle the joystick in an attempt to get thrown out at an angle which is almost guaranteed to kill them.
At this point however, the damage is being done solely by the turnips so only the people on the opposing team of Peach can get hurt, so this is where having Ness comes in. His PK Fire is a projectile with its own collision hitboxes like Peach’s turnips, however a lot of people don’t know this because they can’t actually collide with them and hit them like the turnips. However this means that if Ness throws a PK Fire into the Black Hole it will get stuck there and the circle will now glow a bright orange. With enough PK Fires added to the Black Hole everyone will be able to play around with it and get hurt and immediately launched to 999% damage.
It is important to note that even though Ice Climbers neutral b, their icicle projectile has their own collision hitboxes like Peach’s turnips and Ness’ PK Fire they will not stick into the black hole, as they are intended to break on hit as opposed to the other two.
Super Scope Infinite Ammo
This glitch is a requirement for doing the Black Hole Glitch. This glitch gives the player infinite ammo for the Super Scope in charge shots or rapid fire shots as long as they don’t drop the weapon. At least two characters are needed for this but the player only needs one person to use both controllers.To perform the glitch a player must fire 5 bursts of three rounds a piece and two fully charged shots. Next the player should charge up a third shot but get hit while they are charging it. If they are hit while charging their third shot they will get knocked out of it. Pick the gun back up and start shooting it, it should have infinite ammo.
This glitch has no real practical application as it is only really useful when performing the Black Hole Glitch.
Ice Climbers Freeze Glitch
The Ice Climbers Freeze Glitch can be performed in any mode however it is extremely difficult to pull off. This can be done in competitive matches however it is banned as a general rule in every tournament. It also would likely be not very useful to a Ice Climber player due to the difficulty of the trick.
The actual premise of the trick is simple, all the player needs to do is desync both Ice Climbers and get Nana to grab the opponent and down throw them while using PoPo’s down B on them. If they succeeded at getting the timing right then the opponent should be in midair just above the ground floating and be stuck there. From here the player can just keep hitting the opponent and they will only move inches at a time, meaning that they are virtually unkillable while in this glitch. To undo the glitch they need to use PoPo’s down B against the frozen enemy to unfreeze them.
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